Dick Cheney: Obama is worse than Jimmy Carter


From Hot Air:

Cheney’s harshest criticism, however, was for President Obama.

“I obviously am not a big fan of President Obama. I think he’s been one of our weakest presidents. I just fundamentally disagree with him philosophically. I’d be hard put to find any Democratic president that I’ve disagreed with more,” he said.

When asked if he thought Obama was “worse than Jimmy Carter,” Cheney replied, “Yes.”

Didn’t take long before we were shown that finding class in liberals is like finding polar bears in a rainforest:

Dick Cheney says Obama is "worse than Jimmy Carter." He sounds like a nasty, bitter old man who simply never made it to #1.

— Audarshia Townsend (@IAmAudarshia) July 30, 2012

"@briefingroom: Cheney: Obama worse than Carter, ‘one of our weakest president’ http://t.co/ETjys15r"/ Go inside Dick. It's daylight now.

— raemd95 (@raemd95) July 30, 2012

The Vampire View: Dick Cheney, Obama worse than Carter, never take advice from the un-dead http://t.co/LCsJIIvc

— Kiplyn (@KipLyn) July 30, 2012

@thehill: Cheney: Obama 'one of our weakest presidents,' worse than Carter http://t.co/1BaOMN38”IRONY: Cheney shot a cmpgn cntrbtr in face!

— Kat Hester (@Katbeloo) July 30, 2012

Cheney is an embarrassment. Cheney: Obama is worse than Carter – Kevin Robillard – http://t.co/FssNV2gB: http://t.co/2mCMs4Xi via @POLITICO

— Patriot (@The_Patriot_USA) July 30, 2012

"@hardball: Cheney: Obama is worse than Carter http://t.co/RmvFh3pc via @POLITICO" but no one is worse than Bush W.

— djraydepot (@dee_J_raydepot) July 30, 2012

There's a reason his name is DICK>>>Dick Cheney on Obama's record, worse that Carter http://t.co/y80k4ngS

— Laz (@DrLazza) July 30, 2012

#Cheney's comment abt Pres #Obama & Carter, depicts the 'twilight zone' called #GOP-They pledge allegiance to denial of WMDs, Iraq, #Romney

— Hilda Simmons (@simpostings) July 30, 2012

RT ☮ @davewiner Cheneys got some chutzpah talking bt weakness. He gave us biggest economic collapse since Depression. http://t.co/0tCBuJqd

— Judy Golden (@judehere) July 30, 2012

Way to change the subject, guys.

Unbelievably, a couple of Carter apologists even crawled out of the woodwork:

Cheney calls Obama "worse than Carter" leaving out that had Reagan not killed Carter's energy plan we'd be energy independent by now.

— Rob Roy Thomas (@robroytv) July 30, 2012

RT @cdashiell: Dick Cheney says Obama is worse than Jimmy Carter. What he didn't say is that Carter was a billion times better than Bush.

— Marguerite Dehler (@Marguer_d) July 30, 2012

And a “where the hell did THAT come from?” swipe at Mitt Romney:

Mitt Romney's lust for war makes Dick Cheney look like Jimmy Carter.

— Picasso Kat (@Picassokat) July 30, 2012

Cheney’s got to be embarrassed about his statement, though. Even conservatives are taking him to task for it:



Still, Cheney has a point. Let’s face it. The only thing worse than President Obama is President Obama serving a second term.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/07/30/dick-cheney-obama-is-worse-than-jimmy-carter/

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