‘How drunk are you?’ Chris Hayes compares fossil fuel opponents to abolitionists

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Serious, you guys:


Oh, this sounds promising.


Don’t worry — we saved you the trouble and picked out some of the best parts:

The connection between slavery and fossil fuels, however, is more than metaphorical. Before the widespread use of fossil fuels, slaves were one of the main sources of energy (if not the main source) for societies stretching back millennia. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, nearly all energy to power societies flowed from the natural ecological cascade of sun and food: the farmhands in the fields, the animals under saddle, the burning of wood or grinding of a mill. A life of ceaseless exertion.

Let me pause here once again to be clear about what the point of this extended historical comparison is and is not. Comparisons to slavery are generally considered rhetorically out of bounds, and for good reason. We are walking on treacherous terrain. The point here is not to associate modern fossil fuel companies with the moral bankruptcy of the slaveholders of yore, or the politicians who defended slavery with those who defend fossil fuels today.

In fact, the parallel I want to highlight is between the opponents of slavery and the opponents of fossil fuels. Because the abolitionists were ultimately successful, it’s all too easy to lose sight of just how radical their demand was at the time: that some of the wealthiest people in the country would have to give up their wealth. That liquidation of private wealth is the only precedent for what today’s climate justice movement is rightly demanding: that trillions of dollars of fossil fuel stay in the ground. It is an audacious demand, and those making it should be clear-eyed about just what they’re asking. They should also recognize that, like the abolitionists of yore, their task may be as much instigation and disruption as it is persuasion. There is no way around conflict with this much money on the line, no available solution that makes everyone happy. No use trying to persuade people otherwise.

Also no use? Trying to persuade people that Chris Hayes is not a complete doofus.




Comin’ right up!




Something tells us we’ll be laughing about this one for a while. How can we not?


Awww … sniffles.


Nicely done.


Hey, somebody thinks Hayes is onto something:


Jesse Myerson? That guy? ‘Nuff said.




Twitchy coverage of Chris Hayes

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/04/22/how-drunk-are-you-msnbcs-chris-hayes-fossil-fuel-opponents-are-like-modern-day-abolitionists/

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