I Can’t Decide If This Is Morbid Or Beautiful. Look At The Photos And Judge For Yourself.

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Russian photographer Maris Ionona-Gribina has a gift. But whether that’s good or bad, you’ll be the judge. The way she memorializes the dead is intriguing to say the least. You’re about to see why.

“I found these dead animals during bicycle rides to the sea in the summer. I wanted to find a way to save them for world of art. They were so unprotected… One or two days more and they would be eaten by worms.”

“I remembered my childhood. When I with my brother found a dead mole, bird or bug we buried them on the border of a forest.”

“And we decorated the grave with flowers and stones. Why we did it that way? Probably it was a children’s curiosity, our first studies of mortality.”

“In this project I work with my childhood memories and with the subject of life and death.”

“All animals died naturally or after accidents with cars. The flowers were gathered near dead animals and in my garden.”

What’s the verdict? In the end, we’ll take this as a beautiful attempt to give peace and beauty to these fallen animals. And we can only hope to have such dedication from those around us when our time comes. If you want to see more of Maria’s work, check out her website and see what else she has up her sleeve. Source: Muybridge’s Horse via Bored Panda

Read more: http://viralnova.com/morbid-animal-photos/

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