26 Adorable Pets Who Are Super Worried About Everything Right Now

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The world is a constantly confusing place for our silly, fuzzy friends. Though there are some who find the strength to brave all the mysteries of life with reckless abandon, there are plenty of others who would much rather tread lightly.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with being a little bit timid. It’s better to be safe than sorry, as they say. However, these hilarious cats and dogs take that nervous nature to a whole new level with their adorably worried faces.

1. “What if the other dogs at the park don’t like me?”

2. “I have to bark at the bird outside! It’s a matter of life or death!”

3. “Are they giving me away to someone? Did I do something bad??”

4. “You remembered the baggies, right?”

5. “Why is everything so big and scary?”

6. Maybe she should be a little more worried…

7. “You okay in there, buddy? Can I get you anything?”

8. “What if I never catch my tail?”

9. “Tell my wife I love her.” – this dog on his way to the bath

10. “Mouse? Eek! You handle it!”

11. “You’re not contagious, are you?”

12. “Um, speed limit, ever hear of it?”

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13. “How is she not drowning?” “I don’t know, dude, but we better keep watch.”

14. “I can’t help but notice all the bacon is almost gone and I still haven’t had any.”

15. “I should not have eaten all that grass.”

16. “You almost forgot me.”

17. “That burrito looks like a lot for one person.”

18. “What if I’m not the good boy?”

19. “I saw a scary movie that started just like this once.”

20. “Oh, so…we’re keeping this thing?”

21. “No, not the vacuum monster again!”

22. “Please, I beg of you: use the gentle cycle.”

23. “…what have I been doing with my life?”

24. “That smell wasn’t me, I swear!”

25. “Curiosity did what to the cat??”

26. “Shots? Needles? But…why? Did I do something wrong?”

Aw, it’s alright, little dudes. You just want to make sure everything is smooth sailing. Besides, bravery is totally overrated.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/worried-pets-worry/

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