23 Things We Can Learn From Our Super-Smart And Adorable Pets

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Our pets have so much to teach us…

From how to love unconditionally to the right way to enjoy a walk and even some lessons on making new friends (read: everyone can be a new friend), they’re so wise. While some things are best left to their world — *ahem* like smelling butts to become acquainted — there are so many things we can learn from our furry companions.

Here are just a few!

1. We’ve been going down stairs the slowest way for decades.

2. And how about getting a good booty and ab workout going up them? This should do it!

3. We’ve also been using exercise balls all wrong…

4. Speaking of exercise — they really know how to get the most out of a hike.

5. When it comes to enjoying nature, go big or go home.

6. Because bottom line…you can nap anywhere if you get too tired.

7. Then again, a little hesitance is good to employ now and then. The world is pretty big and scary.

8. They know that a selfie is the best way to celebrate new beginnings.

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9. “Multitasking is key.” (Seen here: sleeping and hydrating.)

10. “Embrace your enemies. They can become your best friends!”

11. They know that deep down, we’re all the same (and deserve treats).

12. Patience is a virtue.

13. Something as simple as holding a friend’s hand can make your day 100% better.

14. When it comes to relaxation, they know what’s up.

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…To each his own?

15. “It’s the simple things in life, guys!”

16. Always embrace your weird.

17. We could all learn to listen a little more.

18. It’s never too late to show someone you love them.

19. Dance like no one is watching.

20. You can get away with almost anything if you flash a smile.

21. If you work together, you can get more done.

22. It’s best to face your fears head-on.

23. But above all, they can teach us everything about loyalty and devotion.

Go home tonight and give your pet a great big hug…they’ve probably taught you way more than you’ll ever realize!

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/smart-pets/

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