Left’s latest gotcha video: Romney thinks Palestinians want to destroy Israel


Obama supporters believe they have discovered the gift that keeps on giving in Mother Jones’ ever-so-devastating series of undercover videos recorded at a Mitt Romney fundraiser in May. This time, the villainous Romney twirls his little mustache and “reveals” his OMG SHOCKING views on Palestinians’ commitment to the peace process.

More from Mother Jones:

During the freewheeling conversation, a donor asked Romney how the “Palestinian problem” can be solved. Romney immediately launched into a detailed reply, asserting that the Palestinians have “no interest whatsoever in establishing peace, and that the pathway to peace is almost unthinkable to accomplish.”

Romney spoke of “the Palestinians” as a united bloc of one mindset, and he said: “I look at the Palestinians not wanting to see peace anyway, for political purposes, committed to the destruction and elimination of Israel, and these thorny issues, and I say there’s just no way.”

Romney believes Palestinians are committed to obliterating Israel and refuse to participate in a peaceful solution? The Devil, you say! 

Romney also opposes pressuring Israelis to bend over backwards to appease the people who want them dead.

'The idea of pushing on the Israelis to give something up to get the Palestinians to act is the worst idea in the world.' – Mitt Romney

— Casey Michel (@cjcmichel) September 18, 2012

This Romney must be some kind of monster! Somebody get the Associated Press to tweet this BREAKING news in all caps!

They won't. RT @blakehounshell: I doubt these Israel and Iran comments will hurt Romney in any way.

— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) September 18, 2012

Part 2 of secret Romney recording discussing the Middle East. (You would have to feign outrage to have any abt this) http://t.co/Wws742dX

— Sharon Broadie (@SBroadie) September 18, 2012

Romney re-asserting he's pro-Israel and Palestinians do not want peace. Good. Makes me like him more.

— Kyle (@kyleraccio) September 18, 2012

@MittRomney says Palestinians have "no interest whatsoever in establishing peace." http://t.co/ccbQkL4A”. MSM again feign shock at obvious.

— L. C. Watson (@AugustusBeau) September 18, 2012

Mother Jones continues to do Romney a huge favor: http://t.co/IZ95w0SB So far they have "caught" him being honest about economy & Israel.

— Rambling Old Man (@RamblingOldMan) September 18, 2012

He's 100% correct. MT @moorehn RT @ByronTau: Mother Jones p2: Romney says Palestinians have "no interest whatsoever in establishing peace."

— TraderRLH (@TraderRLH) September 18, 2012

I'm sorry, is there supposed to be something here that's wrong? offensive? surprising? #EpicFail http://t.co/4frPgIiF via @motherjones

— carolyn (@sweetnsourgrl79) September 18, 2012

Again, truth. RT @byrontau: Mother Jones drops part II: Romney says Palestinians have "no interest whatsoever in establishing peace."

— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) September 18, 2012

At this point, it’s like Mother Jones is trying to help Romney get elected.

Even Politico notes that this “gotcha” the Left is celebrating “is not so widely divergent from Romney’s public remarks.”

Romney fundraiser comments on Palestinians really not substantially different from remarks during GOP debates http://t.co/47FHfUwG

— Josh Gerstein (@joshgerstein) September 18, 2012

From a January debate:

“Israelis would be happy to have a two-state solution. It’s the Palestinians who don’t want a two-state solution; they want to eliminate the State of Israel,” Romney said.

But to the desperate Left, Romney’s honesty is a veritable coffin nail.

@IngrahamAngle Here's leak #2. Are we supposed to be OUTRAAAAGED? http://t.co/SJifPlM2

— Kyle (@kyleraccio) September 18, 2012

Yes, evidently we’re supposed to be OUTRAAAAGED! Shorter libs: election ovah!

@MotherJones is having quite a news cycle. Another secret Romney video; what he really thinks about the Palestinians: http://t.co/SkhLtvli

— Terry Moran (@TerryMoran) September 18, 2012

The #47percent quotes were offensive. What Romney said on foreign policy at that fundraiser should be disqualifying: http://t.co/5gTvCGYz

— Jamil Smith (@JamilSmith) September 18, 2012

Under a Romney govt, we have no chance for peace in middle east. Romney trashes the two-state solution http://t.co/jmVfnKQr

— Jack Allen John (@JackAllenJohn) September 18, 2012

And under an Obama government everything in the Middle East is going along swimmingly?


#GOP More foreign policy blunder! MT @MotherJones More secret video from Romney fundraiser here: http://t.co/XwRfXpO6 It's about Israel.

— Julie (@Juicexlx) September 18, 2012

Romney proving he has no clue about the Israel/Palestine situation.

— Gregg (@GreggCarter) September 18, 2012

The foreign policy section of the secret Romney video is horrible. Mitt basically treats Palestinians like, well, the #47percent.

— Zandar (@ZandarVTS) September 18, 2012

Bless their hearts.

Even worse than what Romney says when he thinks he's not on tape is what Obama says when he knows he is.

— One Who Remembers (@lheal) September 18, 2012


Exit question:

Question: If Israel disarmed, would Hamas attempt to destroy Israel? If yes, the Palestinians don't want peace.

— Lee Doren (@LDoren) September 18, 2012

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/09/18/more-shocking-disqualifying-undercover-video-romney-believes-palestinians-arent-into-the-whole-peace-thing/

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