Proof That Working At Animal Hospitals, Shelters, And Rescues Is The Best Job

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I love my job.

I mean, who wouldn’t? I get to write about puppies, kittens, inspiring stories, travel destinations…you name it! But that doesn’t mean I don’t have serious job-envy of others.

No, I’m not talking about people who earn millions or travel the world for a living (though that is up there)…instead, I am über-jealous of those who work at animal hospitals, shelters, and rescues. While the work is tough, it is SO rewarding. And here’s the proof.

1. Even if someone is looking over your shoulder, it doesn’t feel overbearing.

2. And even if the waiting room is full, it’s totally adorable — not annoying.

3. Patients really know how to show their appreciation.

4. Fierceness is part of the job.

5. You get to bring together forever families.

6. Coworkers are super cute.

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7. And they’re always eager to take on new responsibilities.

8. Your patients never forget what you’ve done for them.

9. Oh right, and everyone is adorable.

10. Definitely a reason to wake up every morning.

11. When new patients come in, they’re a welcome handful.

12. But when they’re too much of a handful, you’ve got pockets!

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13. You never know who might walk in the door.

14. Baby beavers? Yep.

15. “‘ello mate!”

16. Bath time is arguably the best part of the job.

17. Your customers really look up to you.

18. But even if you’re landed with an angry patient, they’re still so. Darn. ADORABLE!

19. Off-site meetings are really awesome.

20. When things are slow, endless entertainment opportunities await.

21. Bottom line: Best. Job. Ever.

If I had a stomach for blood and surgery, I’d totally go to veterinarian school. Alas, I can just look on with utter jealousy…you lucky devils!

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