Here Are 22 Odd Animals That Are Stranger Than Fiction. #15 Can’t Be For Real, OMG.

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It isn’t abnormal for animals or humans be born with genetic mutations. After all, different hair colors, eye colors and other traits are all genetic mutations. Sometimes, though, nature gets a little out of control and we end up with some genuine freaky oddities. Like these animals. Most of them are happy and healthy, but there’s […]


These 20 Weird Animals Prove Nature May Have Been Drunk. The Batfish Will Haunt My Dreams.

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There are countless creatures that inhabit the world with us. Some are awesomely adorable, like puppies, kittens, baby elephants and bottlenose dolphins. Others, however… are not so much. These strange animals must have been created on a day when nature was in kind of a mood, because they just turned out weird. Nature, go home. You’re […]


Here Are The 9 Strangest Animals You Didn’t Know Exist. Some Of These Will Haunt My Dreams Forever.

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I’ve seen enough of the Discovery Channel to basically make me a zoologist. (See, I even know the official terms!) That’s why when I see any “crazy” animals my friends show me on their cell phone, I say thank you, but “been there, seen that.” But then one day I saw the following animals and my jaw […]


You Won’t Believe The Natural Defenses That Some Of These Animals Have.

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If you think self-deprecation was a strange defense mechanism, then you’ll be blown away by what these animals do when threatened. Some of these natural defenses seem like they’re straight out of a horror movie. Some are so bizarre that they’re probably “too much” for a horror movie and would be left on the cutting […]