‘So Harry Reid has a twin brother’: McConnell ad isn’t doing Mitch any favors [pic]

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http://twitter.com/#!/ae4xo/status/453551726541676545 The McConnell campaign probably thought this graphic was pretty slick, but it doesn’t seem to have had the desired effect on RedState’s Erick Erickson: http://twitter.com/#!/EWErickson/status/453549911561105408 Erickson wasn’t the only one struck by this particular photographic juxtaposition: http://twitter.com/#!/gypsyluc/status/453551709386575873 http://twitter.com/#!/TheRightDuff/status/453550601297985536 Very generous. http://twitter.com/#!/anthropocon/status/453550553390669824 True story. And that’s just downright depressing. http://twitter.com/#!/nmchugh85/status/453550108743696386 Ugh. *** Related: ‘Worst campaign ad in […]