Pander-monium begins: Obama’s Barnard commencement address live; Update: Squee alerts; Update: Obama speaking after embarrassing, swoony intro!/emdmde/status/202011374157697024

And we're off. Bells tolling. Grads arriving!

— Brigid Bergin (@brigidbergin) May 14, 2012

And the program is just getting started. Graduates marching in. No sign yet of POTUS

— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) May 14, 2012

C-Span is offering a live stream of the address. Twitchy will monitor the commencement address and update accordingly.


THIS -> RT @pemalevy: Where are the men? RT @ZekeJMiller: Barnard graduates

— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) May 14, 2012

Hello? Non-Julias need not apply. Thus, a woman’s college for his big commencement speech.

Just spotted POTUS at #Barnard2012.

— Brigid Bergin (@brigidbergin) May 14, 2012


Worth noting, lots of people are wearing those cheey Obama at Barnard hats

— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) May 14, 2012

Pres Obama @ Barnard now MT @hunterw: Hearing grads complain about media riser "the press should not have better seats to see our speaker"

— PRNewser (@PRNewser) May 14, 2012

It’s so cute how they think their commencement is actually about them. No, no. It’s about The One and what serves his purposes.

From @RNCResearch. Happy Graduation, Barnard students! 1 in 2 of you won't be able to find a job in Obama economy.

— Tim Miller (@Timodc) May 14, 2012

Whoops! Yet, they cheer.

Deafening cheers from Barnard grads as Obama comes onstage

— Ronni Berke (@RonniBerkeCNN) May 14, 2012

Barnard grads chanting "Yes We Can" as Obama takes stage.

— Anna Holmes (@AnnaHolmes) May 14, 2012

Obama in full pander gear.

RT @hunterw: Obama in his Barnard robes

— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) May 14, 2012

An alumnus isn’t as thrilled.

as #barnardalum feeling obligated to watch how Obama uses Barnard…sigh. #Barnard2012

— M.T. (@Madi_Hatter) May 14, 2012

Double Squee!

Envious of the Barnard senior who just got a hug from Obama! #Barnard2012

— Shalini Agrawal (@ShalsNYC) May 14, 2012

RT @ZekeJMiller: Second speaker: "I could not sleep last night thinking about sharing the stage with President Obama"

— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) May 14, 2012

You’d think that was perhaps just a student, which would be somewhat more understandable. Ish. But, no. It was the chairman of the board.

Jolyne Caruso-FitzGerald, Chair of the Barnard Board: I could not sleep last night thinking about sharing the stage with President Obama

— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) May 14, 2012

And, get the hurl bucket ready.

Barnard Commencement-Speaker: Barack Obama, President of the United States. It's okay to tear up during a webcast. #Barnard2012 #SoProud

— Regina DeCicco (@ReginaDeCicco) May 14, 2012

Some truth to power for the graduates.

If students at Barnard College shouted Yes We Can, it's a cinch Obama didn't ask them if they could find a job.

— George Rudolph (@thenewnarrative) May 14, 2012

Rutgers U study: only 30% of college grads since 2006 have full time jobs requiring their degree

— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) May 14, 2012

Hurl bucket redux.

Daniele Lerner: Mr. President. I cannot help myself but to say that your presence here is thrilling for all of us.

— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) May 14, 2012

Was the thrill up her leg, Chris Matthews style?

Team Romney: "Each Barnard Graduate’s Share Of The National Debt Has Increased By $15,310.41 Since President Obama Took Office."

— Katrina Trinko (@KatrinaTrinko) May 14, 2012

And, an “oh, honey” moment.

At Barnard, the Senior Class president just used the road not taken in her speech. #really

— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) May 14, 2012

Robert Frost is cliche for a grad speech #womenhelpingwomen

— Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) May 14, 2012

Will Obama be wearing his gay-lo? This Twitter user has another idea for Newsweek, just in case he doesn’t.

RT @jakebeckman: President Obama to speak at Barnard commencement. Next week's Newsweek cover: Our First Female President

— Julie Moos (@juliemmoos) May 14, 2012

Professors embarrass themselves.!/CADelargy/status/202083459324329984

A second Tiger Beat banquet?

Political reporters are tweeting about the Barnard graduation the way regular people tweet about the Oscars.

— Jack Moore (@JackPMoore) May 14, 2012

A Rangel sighting. But this is totally not political.

RT @jeneps: Charlie Rangel at Barnard commencement

— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) May 14, 2012

And some cashing in on Obama’s gay marriage “evolution.”

Kaye calls Wolfson: "Hero for the charge of marriage equality" and "champion of civil rights for all" #Barnard2012 @wnyc

— Brigid Bergin (@brigidbergin) May 14, 2012

This Barnard College address would have been really awkward if Obama was still "evolving" on gay marriage

— Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) May 14, 2012

Barnard College praises Pres for his statement that "The right to marriage belongs to us all…"

— Kelly O'Donnell (@KellyO) May 14, 2012

UPDATE: Obama takes the stage to swooning by the college president.

Barnard President to Obama: "The chronicle of your life has enthralled us"

— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) May 14, 2012

Woman introducing Obama, president of Barnard, seems like she's under the influence of laughing gas. Girl, hold it together.

— Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) May 14, 2012

RT @tobyharnden: Obama looks suitably embarrassed by this hilariously giddy commencement introduction by Barnard prez

— David A. Graham (@GrahamDavidA) May 14, 2012

Please don’t let her release her inner “whoooo hooo” voice.

And, pander! Identity politics!

Barnard prez lists "women running everything" in Obama admin, including Sotomayor, Kagan, Clinton, Jarrett, Napolitano, Rice, etc

— Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) May 14, 2012

The Barnard version of Obama's admin is "women running everything" – this hasn't been the take of many women inside the admin

— Edward-Isaac Dovere (@IsaacDovere) May 14, 2012

Whoops! She forgot about that whole “war on women” thing right in Obama’s White House.

"Your wisdom in making these decisions comes as no surprise" – Barnard President introducing Obama

— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) May 14, 2012

Oh dear. That’s embarrassing.

And Obama is speaking now.

— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) May 14, 2012

Barnard "set a pretty high bar" with last three commencement speakers: Hillary Clinton, Meryl Streep, Sheryl Sandberg

— Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) May 14, 2012

All women. Yet President Obama decided he is more important, so he booted the previously scheduled commencement speaker, a woman, off the agenda. Pandering to women so as to use them as pawns is more important than actual women.

POTUS describes the tough state of things and for those who doubt things can change, "Don't believe it"

— Brigid Bergin (@brigidbergin) May 14, 2012

Yes, don’t worry! Obama can always make things worse.

Commencement at Barnard, Obama about Columbia then: "We had the Walkman, not iPods… Times Square was not a family destination"

— Mariana_Atencio (@marianaatencio) May 14, 2012

Thank you, Rudy Giuliani! Who fixed things after years of Democrat control.

Obama ate a St. Barnard.

— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh) May 14, 2012

Never gets old.

POTUS at Barnard: "We know we are better off when women are treated fairly and equally in every aspect of American life.” #bigapplause

— Shawna Thomas (@ShawnaNBCNews) May 14, 2012

Unless they are those icky “not authentic” conservative women.

Pres Obama urges the graduating women of Barnard to "embrace and rekindle" the "defiant, can do spirit" of generations past.

— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) May 14, 2012

Uh. He just described every conservative woman.

"Now that new doors have been opened for you, you have the obligation to seize the oppty." Says Congress would get more done with more women

— Brigid Bergin (@brigidbergin) May 14, 2012

Again, more conservative women. They’d surely at least come up with a budget.

Pander! Good old wage gap myth.

Obama talking about Lilly Ledbetter

— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) May 14, 2012

Obama is once again insulting women by talking down to them and assuming that they share only one collective brain.

Women may be less than 20% of Congress, but they don't all agree w/ Obama on his definition of women's rights.

— Katrina Trinko (@KatrinaTrinko) May 14, 2012

This does not compute.

"you can be stylish and powerful too–that's michelle's advice" – obama at barnard's graduation

— Sasha de Vogel (@sashadevo) May 14, 2012

Um. Stylish? Also, we thought that was bad anyway, according to the press. Just ask Ann Romney’s blouse.

President Obama must be referring to his own presidency here. Unfortunately, it is the entire country paying the price for his catastrophic failures.

RT @ethanklapper: Obama: "No one of achievement has avoided failures — sometimes catastrophic failures."

— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) May 14, 2012

Obama not over mom jeans coverage: "Ignore our pop culture obsession about beauty and fashion."

— Katrina Trinko (@KatrinaTrinko) May 14, 2012

He is a pop culture obsession. Cult of personality pot, meet kettle.

POTUS says grandmother hit the glass ceiling at her bank job, but she persevered and ended up becoming VP of the bank #Barnard2012 @wnyc

— Brigid Bergin (@brigidbergin) May 14, 2012

“Typical white person” grandma. Also, hitting glass ceiling doesn’t really mean what he thinks it means.

And some race card with added bonus of gay marriage cash in card.

Obama: No matter who you are and what you look like, no matter who you love… you can pursue your own happiness

— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) May 14, 2012

Wow, commencement starting to sound like a campaign speech conclusion

— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) May 14, 2012

What? How can that be? Oh yeah, because that’s totally what pander-monium is.

The president then said that “the trajectory of the country should give us hope.” Huh? Stagnant economy, horrific unemployment and out of control spending — awesome! To be fair, perhaps he meant once he loses in November.

And, he’s out — before the women to whom he is pandering even receive their degrees. To more swooning.

Obama walks off stage before the presentation of degrees

— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) May 14, 2012

Barnard pres after POTUS leaves: Everyone now can take a deep breath

— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) May 14, 2012

Crowd here chants "O-BA-MA"

— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) May 14, 2012

This Twitter user sums up the whole speech.

This is completely anecdotal, but the bits of Obama's Barnard speech currently appearing in my Twitter stream are pretty unimpressive.

— Maha (@MahaRafiAtal) May 14, 2012

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