Michelle Obama: ‘Success doesn’t count unless you earn it fair and square’


We know that President Obama spent the week dismissing the Republican National Convention as a rerun, but if you thought San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro’s speech echoed Sen. Marco Rubio’s more than just a little bit, that was just a taste of things to come.

Michelle Obama trying to humanize Obama.

— Right Scoop (@trscoop) September 5, 2012

As pundits carefully judged “corporate wife” Ann Romney’s success in “humanizing” her husband Mitt at the RNC, who knew that the first lady would take a similar path, humanizing a man who’s been in office a full term. So, which candidate had worse furniture during his courtship? Does a coffee table from the dumpster trump a table made from a door propped up on sawhorses?

I knew Barack Obama didn't grow up rich, but never knew till tonight he'd gone dumpster diving for furniture and driven a rusted out car.

— Brit Hume (@brithume) September 5, 2012

First Lady says Barack Obama was a "guy whose proudest possession was a coffee table he’d found in a dumpster" #DNC2012

— mia farrow (@MiaFarrow) September 5, 2012

I will vote for any politician who once drove a car made of old ironing boards that formerly served as kitchen tables.

— Jeffrey Goldberg (@JeffreyGoldberg) September 5, 2012

"He was the guy whose proudest possession was a coffee table he found in a dumpster" MrsO on @BarackObama. Point: Not Romney wealth.

— Kelly O'Donnell (@KellyO) September 5, 2012

Michelle Obama: "He was the guy whose proudest possession was a coffee table he’d found in a dumpster." #DNC2012

— Aaron Blake (@AaronBlakeWP) September 5, 2012

@MichelleObama says Barack used to pick her up in a car "that was so rusted out, I could actually see the pavement going by thru a hole"

— Norah O'Donnell (@NorahODonnell) September 5, 2012

It's Ann and Mitt's tuna fish and pasta dinners versus Barack and Michelle's shitty car.

— daveweigel (@daveweigel) September 5, 2012

@daveweigel And now for another episode of "Who Did it Poorer." #DNC1012

— Nikki Schwab (@NikkiSchwab) September 5, 2012

Michelle playing the Barack-had-a-shitty-car card #DNC2012

— Dan Hirschhorn (@DanH_TIME) September 5, 2012

Rusty car and all… RT @DickMorrisTweet: #DNC2012 she loved the simple life. Lets send her back to it

— Eye on Politics (@EyeOnPolitics) September 5, 2012

Ann Romney used speech to try and convince folks Romneys can relate to mid class. Michelle Obama using time to claim Obamas dont resent rich

— Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) September 5, 2012

Composite furniture. RT @GOPrincess: Was the dumpster coffee table regaled in any of Barack's autobiographies?? #DNC2012

— Ai-Everything (@AiPolitics) September 5, 2012

Obama's grandparents sent him to a swanky private school, don't insult me by asking me to believe they were poor. http://t.co/rvBpDMRz

— Tracy (@TracyLConnors) September 5, 2012

Of course, Salon’s Joan Walsh points out that the Obamas’ humble past was authentic.

This is what it sounds like when someone who has experienced hardship talks about it — rather than someone who's only heard about it.

— Joan Walsh (@joanwalsh) September 5, 2012

Michelle speech offers a devasting contrast of where the Obamas came from with Romney's privilege without uttering one nasty word. #DNC2012

— EJ Dionne (@EJDionne) September 5, 2012

Both candidates have certainly come a long way, though. You have to love success, right? As long as your success is “fair and square.”

"Success doesn't count unless you earn it fair and square." – @MichelleObama

— Norah O'Donnell (@NorahODonnell) September 5, 2012

Democrats truly believe you can't be successful without hurting others. It's really discouraging.

— Madeleine McAulay (@m_mcaulay) September 5, 2012

FLOTUS praises her and POTUS's families: "They didn't begrudge anyone else's success." Unlike, say, FLOTUS and POTUS. #DNC

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) September 5, 2012

Talking about how Obama's family admired success. Unless it's that of Mitt Romney or a business. Because TAX RETURNS BIG BUSINESS ZOMG!

— Tabitha Hale (@TabithaHale) September 5, 2012

"so many people had a hand in our success… and we were taught to value everyone's contribution" -Michelle Obama #DNC2012

— Dan Hirschhorn (@DanH_TIME) September 5, 2012

Echoes of "You didn't built that!" Michelle: "so many people had a hand in our success"

— Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) September 5, 2012

Shorter Michelle: me & Barack were so poor…yet we managed to become multimillionaires while on the public payroll. Weird, huh? #DNC2012

— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) September 5, 2012

Getting everyone to accept the Obama economy "Success isn't about how much money you make…"

— Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) September 5, 2012

You have to admit that, at some point, you’ve made enough money. You just didn’t think you’d reached that point yet. Now, can’t we all just get along, one nation under Barack?

“I love that for Barack, there’s no such thing as us & them—he doesn’t care whether you’re a Democrat, a Republican, or none of the above.”

— OFA (@OFA) September 5, 2012

"For Barack there's no such thing as us or them" — OK, come on now

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) September 5, 2012

Barack doesn't care if I'm a Republican? Is that why he basically called me stupid & told me to vote for him?

— Leah (@oooitsleah) September 5, 2012

"No such thing as us or them, Dem or Rep." PolitiFact, what say you?

— Robert Costa (@costareports) September 5, 2012

Funniest line of the night, "He doesn't care if you're a democrat or a republican." ~ Michelle Obama

— Tracy (@TracyLConnors) September 5, 2012

I don't hold it against her. but I don't recognize the open-minded, bipartisan guy she's describing.

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) September 5, 2012

If only the guy who Michelle Obama is talking about existed. #DNC

— Madeleine McAulay (@m_mcaulay) September 5, 2012

FLOTUS on POTUS: He moves with "patience and wisdom and courage and grace." Obamessiah is risen again! #DNC

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) September 5, 2012

No. RT @davidlimbaugh: Couldn't she have just stopped at the marginally good guy meme, instead of resurrecting the Messiah gig?

— Noel Sheppard (@NoelSheppard) September 5, 2012

Now, about that “incomplete” grade…

Michelle Obama: "Change is hard, and change is slow, and it never happens all at once. But eventually we get there, we always do." #DNC2012

— The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) September 5, 2012

"We're playing a long game, here." America: How long?

— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) September 5, 2012

"we've got so much more transforming to do! America's still hobbling along on that dang capitalism despite our best efforts!" — #DNC2012

— Prudence Paine (@PruPaine) September 5, 2012

So, what were the overall impressions from the Right?

Glad Michelle had fun with Dave, Jimmy and Ellen but…glad ahe can so push-ups…but where are the jobs, Mommy???

— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) September 5, 2012

So this is going to be a feel good, biographical speech? No policy. No mention of debt, etc. Mmmkay.

— Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) September 5, 2012

How is hearing about Michelle's childhood going to get 23 million people back to work?

— Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) September 5, 2012

BREAKING: After Michelle Obama's speech, Chris Matthews found dead of diver-tingle-itis.

— John Nolte (@NolteNC) September 5, 2012

So… are we supposed to ignore joblessness, high gas prices, drop in median income bc he helps his daughters w/ homework? "See?"

— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) September 5, 2012

Shorter Michelle subtext: What Barack lacks in ability he makes up for by having good intentions and golfing a lot. #DNC2012 #p2

— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) September 5, 2012

Michelle is giving a good speech specifically because she isn't defending Obama's record, just his personality traits.

— Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) September 5, 2012

This is one of the most insincere, patronizing things I've ever heard. Shockingly artificial.

— Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) September 5, 2012

FLOTUS: "Surely, we can keep on sacrificin'." We? #DNC

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) September 5, 2012

Michelle really hammering the support to gay marriage. Oddly she doesn't mention @BarackObama has done nothing for it except talk. #DNC2012

— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) September 5, 2012

Michelle telling us how great Barack is because he supports same-sex marriage? What did she think of him last year? #evolve

— Kevin Eder (@keder) September 5, 2012

Michelle equates winning American independence, sending man to the moon, civil rights, with voting for Barack Obama.

— S.E. Cupp (@secupp) September 5, 2012

In vote-winning terms, this speech is one gigantic KER-CHING! #MichelleObama

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) September 5, 2012

Like Ann, Michelle's job was to humanize her husband. I think she was effective. I don't believe a word of it, but whatever. People will.

— Tabitha Hale (@TabithaHale) September 5, 2012

Anyone catch the name of that guy she wanted to bless America? I don't see it in the platform. #dnc2012

— STU BURGUIERE (@WorldOfStu) September 5, 2012

Michelle gave a great 11 minute speech. Too bad it was stretched out to 45 minutes.

— John Nolte (@NolteNC) September 5, 2012

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/09/04/michelle-obama-addresses-dnc-success-doesnt-count-unless-you-earn-it-fair-and-square/

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