Shorter Obama: Funemployment means more simple family vacations!!/billhobbs/status/221259155967705088

As the country waited for President Obama’s response to June’s lackluster jobs report — and waited and waited and waited — we were treated to a little expectation management about the American dream.

Obama on the American dream: "Maybe you took a vacation every once in a while. It wasn't some fancy vacation at some fancy resort."

— Molly Ball (@mollyesque) July 6, 2012

Obama couldn't talk about jobs today so his new line of attack is saying he stays at Howard Johnsons #truestory

— Steve (@sstrella) July 6, 2012

Who needs fancy pants Hawaiian vacays? We’re richest when we travel by Greyhound to a cozy Howard Johnson, the president said during a campaign stop in Ohio.

Shout out to Howard Johnson's in President Obama's speech right now. No orange sherbet mention, or jobs report mention yet. Live @CNN now.

— Steve Krakauer (@SteveKrak) July 6, 2012

I can't believe Obama is talking about not needing fancy vacations, that his best one was traveling around with grandmother on Greyhound bus

— Rachel (@esqcapades) July 6, 2012

Yeah, Obama is all about the greyhounds. And the poodles. And the terriers. And the … nom nom nom.

Spending time with your family. The new Obama spin on the recession. Gak.

— Catherine Wilkinson (@MsTriscuit) July 6, 2012

So Obama is saying don't worry if you don't have a job, because you get to spend more time with your family.

— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel) July 6, 2012

@dlueking I'm so glad. Barack Obama has two faces. Here we go: you're rich if you spend time with don't need your money.

— Sheryl (@sav01) July 6, 2012

Obama traveling through Ohio telling them not to worry about being bankrupt being with your family is what counts.. REALLY? #GOP2012 #NoBama

— MichelleAnn פנינה (@HolzMAS) July 6, 2012

We’re dizzy from the spin.

Hmm. Wonder what Frommer’s says about the Martha’s Vineyard HoJo.

Just saying, somewhere missed in Obama's tribute to Howard Johnson vacations was his love for Martha's Vineyard.

— Joe Pounder (@PounderFile) July 6, 2012

Obama vacays in Hawaii, Martha's Vineyard now talking about his Greyhound Bus vacays as kid. Translation: The voters are dumb.

— John Nolte (@NolteNC) July 6, 2012

Luxury for me, but not for thee.

Meanwhile, on the jobs front:

Obama spoke for abt 40 mins. Very little mention of new jobs #s but to say they're a step in the right direction, but "we cant be satisfied"

— Sarah Boxer (@Sarah_Boxer) July 6, 2012

Wait, so satisfaction isn’t taking the Greyhound to HoJo with the last of your unemployment check? Make up your mind, Mr. President!

We’re all for family time, but it doesn’t take the president’s composite vacation tales for us to realize we’ll all have a better shot at the American dream without 8.2 percent unemployment.

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