Ellen Barkin’s pro-abortion argument to NC pols: ‘GO F**K YOURSELVES!’


Actress Ellen Barkin wants to screech her support for infanticide before she descends into hollow obscurity. Her best effort at this was to hurl obscenities at North Carolina state senators who passed a bill Wednesday that will increase safety standards in abortion clinics:

(AP) The Senate voted 29-12 for the measure that would direct state health regulators to change abortion clinic rules so they’re similar to those for ambulatory surgery centers.

The updated bill also would prohibit gender-selective abortions, restrict abortion insurance coverage and require a physician to be physically present during an entire surgical abortion and when a woman takes an abortion-inducing drug such as RU-486.

Barkin’s followers have a high level of knowledge and training in logic, so they offered many cogent additions:


The abortion amendment was added to a bill to ban Sharia law in North Carolina, so it may be that instead of advocating for loose safety standards at abortion clinics, Barkin supports Sharia law. We’ll monitor her rants and document our findings.

Editor’s note: This post has been edited.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/07/04/ellen-barkins-eloquent-pro-abortion-argument-to-n-c-pols-go-fk-yourselves/

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