Left makes hay over Grenell resignation yet responds to Romney with predictable gay slurs


The Left has been busily spinning the resignation of Romney spokesman Richard Grenell as some sort of anti-gay agenda by icky old Rethuglicans!!111 Some, like Cher, aren’t just spinning but are outright lying by claiming he was fired.

But how does the Left stand up for and “support” gay people? Oh, by hurling gay slurs at anyone with whom they disagree. See, to them, being gay is a bad thing and worthy of insult.

#Romney is such a closet case when the people find out the truth about him and his gay lover

— The Machine (@hrhsar) May 3, 2012

Fuck mitt romney. Fuck mitt romney because My President deserves a parade you dumb stiff republican wealthy sell-out FAGGOT. Fake American

— Steven (@CarveTalk) May 2, 2012

President Obama is a Pimp & a Gangsta! Mitt Romney is a wealthy Faggot!

— PJ Khan™ (@patapj) May 2, 2012



Hey pansy-ass Romney start a Gold Rush; offer millions to anyone who can find archeological findings for book of Mormons!

— IRA (@MEAN_MARINE) May 2, 2012

OK Romney it's TIME for YOU to Explain why YOU ARE A PANSY ? Wimpy Winney Fancy Pants Silver Spoon up Ass Give US all a break Jerk Hole !

— Doggod51 (@doggod51) May 1, 2012

In response to nearly everything, the Left uses homophobic slurs in an attempt to insult people.

Shame on mitt romney for saying anybody would have got Bin Laden. Really faggot, even all of those supporting you now whom had 8 years?

— Steven (@CarveTalk) April 30, 2012

And a gay man who strays from the Democrat plantation? Not allowed.


The Left is homophobic and anti-gay, not the Right. The Left believes that, like gender, one’s sexuality must be tied to one’s politics. They use gay people to further political agendas only and will use being gay as a way to punitively shame someone. Meanwhile, they disrespect gay people so much that their go-to insult always is to insinuate that someone is gay. They did it to Andrew Breitbart all the time.

Joan Walsh did it recently as a way to try to insult Dick Armey and Rush Limbaugh.

Uh RT @joanwalsh: Wow, misogynists Dick Armey and Rush Limbaugh unite! Armey's supporting Rush now. Maybe they'll get married.

— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel) April 26, 2012

Anti-gay? Look in the mirror, Lefties.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/05/03/left-makes-hay-over-grenell-resignation-yet-responds-to-romney-with-predictable-gay-slurs/

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