President Obama forgets to stop campaigning, will visit toy company!/markknoller/status/274293129266483201

Having had Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner today deliver his stink bomb of a fiscal cliff wish list to Capitol Hill, President Obama will take his campaign for higher taxes to the maker of Lincoln Logs and K’nex building toys tomorrow, according to CBS’s Mark Knoller.

Not only is it the K’NEX factory that Obama is visiting tomorrow, it’s also the Tinkertoy AND the Angry Bird Building Sets factory!

— Ethan Klapper (@ethanklapper) November 29, 2012

President Obama visiting a company that builds building sets? Hmm, there must be a joke in there somewhere.

@markknoller Where is his spending cut pitch? #tcot #tlot #p2

— Politics Matter (@Politics_Matter) November 29, 2012

@markknoller hello, obama? the people you need to be talking to are back in washington dc.

— Bitter Hag (@debwilliams) November 29, 2012

Don’t you remember the president’s pledge to “get out of Washington more often” in his second term?

Not on the agenda: a visit to the (former) makers of Buckyballs. At least Joe Biden’s not along to accidentally swallow a Lincoln Log and drive another company out of the market.

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