Dennis Kucinich defeated!/DebWilliams57/status/177349188894457856

Unofficial results suggest that the twerpish Ohio Representative has been ousted:

Rep. Marcy Kaptur defeated fellow Ohio Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich in a redistricting-forced primary tonight, capping the Congressional career of Cleveland’s one-time “Boy Mayor” and the House’s resident peace advocate.

Kaptur, the dean of the Ohio delegation, beat the two-time presidential candidate by a margin of 56 percent to 40 percent, according to results from the Associated Press.

Speaking by phone on MSNBC after midnight, Kaptur said she hadn’t yet spoken to Kucinich or gotten a concession from him. “We really haven’t had a chance to connect yet. But we will,” Kaptur said, adding that it had been “a very intense campaign.”

She described the challenge of having to introduce herself to 360,000 new people because of redistricting and having to campaign in two media markets: Toledo and Cleveland. “It was just a real marathon,” she said.

Kucinich gave a less-than-gracious concession speech just after midnight, accusing his opponent of running “a campaign lacking in integrity, filled with false truths.”

Kaptur’s victory completes the first Member-vs.-Member race of this cycle, which is expected to feature 13 contests between Congressional colleagues.

Goodbye, Great Gazoo.

MSNBC Hosts Grieve Over Kucinich Loss In Ohio | RealClearPolitics Video

— Filtered News (@filterednews) March 7, 2012

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