Flashback to 2009: Obama said health act ‘absolutely not a tax increase’


When is a tax increase not a tax increase? When President Obama says, “Shut up, that’s why!”

Flashback to 2009:


Thanks to the SCOTUS ruling, it’s more abundantly clear than ever that Obamacare is really an #ObamaTax. So much for the president’s vow that families making under $250,000 would not see a tax increase.

We were told it was not a tax hike, but it is an unprecedented and enormous tax on the middle class http://t.co/0GjUXaq8

— Jim DeMint (@JimDeMint) June 28, 2012

So the President forced the law through Congress insisting it was not a tax, then sold the Supreme Court on the argument that it is a tax.

— albertmohler (@albertmohler) June 28, 2012

Don't be dense, it's not a tax. Wait. Don't be dense, it IS a tax. #Obamatax

— Justin (@theGrudgeRetort) June 28, 2012

Well, abundantly clear if you aren’t a blind parrot of Democratic talking points.

Dems need to come out swinging against GOP's new (and massively dishonest) "This just proves that the ACA is a massive tax increase" line.

— Mickey Jackson (@97mjackson) June 28, 2012

Wow. Fox News is REPEATEDLY saying "This is a Tax Increase." M'fuckas can you hear? A Penalty tax is not a Tax Increase. #WTF?!?!?

— Elon James White (@elonjames) June 28, 2012

Fox News now spinning healthcare law as a "tax increase"

— Ari Berman (@AriBerman) June 28, 2012

Spinning? No spin necessary, doll.

Apparently they think they’re clever:

Dear GOP: Obamacare is a tax increase, then Mitt Romney increased taxes in Massachusetts (via @neeratanden)

— ThinkProgress (@thinkprogress) June 28, 2012

Did Mitt Romney implement the largest federal tax increase in history during a woefully anemic economy? Try again, libs. Obamacare is now, without a doubt, an #ObamaTax and the president will have to own that.

Let it be known that #Obamacare died today and #Obamatax was born.

— Teri Peters (@hipEchik) June 28, 2012

BREAKING: DNC spiking football over biggest tax increase in history of world. #FulllRepeal

— Hair (@SHannitysHair) June 28, 2012

The word "tax" appears 413 times in SCOTUS opinion #fullrepeal

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 28, 2012


What @NancyPelosi MEANT was "We have to pass the bill so the Supreme Court can tell you on appeal it's a really a 'tax.' GOTCHA!" #ObamaTax

— robert (@ProgressiveAle) June 28, 2012

Obama said it was not a tax, but his legal team defended it as a tax. Court agreed with his legal team.

— Jedediah Bila (@JedediahBila) June 28, 2012

The president lied when he said this was not a tax. SCOTUS says it is.

— Tabitha Hale (@TabithaHale) June 28, 2012

The president didn’t ‘fess up in his statement today.

Not ONE MENTION of Obamacare being a TAX. Don't worry, Obama. We won't let you forget it. #ObamaTAX

— Eye on Politics (@EyeOnPolitics) June 28, 2012

If the lapdog media won’t press the issue, the conservative new media will. Game on.



With Obamacare being upheld, even more of Barack Obama’s promises will be broken. Our buddy Ben Howe has put together a great video documenting those broken promises.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/06/28/obamatax-flashback-in-2009-obama-insisted-obamacare-absolutely-not-a-tax-increase/

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