Man of the Puna Bud people: President Barack O-bammy and his pot-smoking ‘choom gang’; Update: ABC brushed under rug in 2007!/whpresscorps/status/205989774832578562

Twitter is buzzing (but all mellow-like) with the news that President Obama was a huge fan of the ganja and was quite the weed connoisseur. David Maraniss’ biography is due out soon and advanced copies are, of course, floating around.

Obama Pot-Smoking Details Revealed in New Book

— iNews Magazine (@iNewsMagazine) May 25, 2012

Not only was President Obama a big old toker, he bogarted it too! That aggression should not stand.

New biography details Obama's pot-smoking 'interceptions'

— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) May 25, 2012

More from the Los Angeles Times:

In this case, Maraniss describes how Obama and a group of high school buddies from the exclusive Punahou School in Honolulu would hang out together to sample – extensively – the island’s copious varieties of weed. Obama, himself, described the pot smoking of his youth in his memoir of growing up, “Dreams From My Father,” but left many of the details unsaid.

Unlike Bill Clinton, who famously claimed that he had smoked, but never inhaled, Obama’s friends credited him with setting a rule of “total absorption”: anyone who exhaled prematurely lost his next turn at the joint. And he was known, Maraniss reports, for “Interceptions”: “When a joint was making the rounds, he often elbowed his way in, out of turn, shouted ‘Intercepted!’ and took an extra hit.”

We guess he felt entitled. Some things never change!

On a heavy and disturbing news day, the Maui-wowie revelations are a much needed mock break. As you can see, the blogosphere had some fun with President Obama and his “choom gang.”

A User's Guide To Smoking Pot With Barack Obama (BuzzFeed)

— memeorandum (@memeorandum) May 25, 2012

BOOK: Obama thanked his drug dealer, not his mom, on high-school yearbook page…


So the implication here is that if Romney had just joined the Choom Gang that poor kid would never have lost his hair.

— Dylan Byers (@DylanByers) May 25, 2012

“@AdamTragone: He's our president, folks:

— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) May 25, 2012


Along with TA, Barry popularized the concept of “roof hits”: when they were chooming in the car all the windows had to be rolled up so no smoke blew out and went to waste; when the pot was gone, they tilted their heads back and sucked in the last bit of smoke from the ceiling.

What happened to his disdain for wasteful spending?

When Joe Biden talked about Obama’s “big stick,” we didn’t realize he really said “likes to blow a stick.” We are also pretty sure “arugula” is a code word. This also explains Michelle Obama’s obsession with junk food. She’s totally tired of the President and his munchies.

Twitter users had a blast (without the joint) as well.

"Choom Gang" mysteriously absent from Maraniss' 08 WaPo profile of Obama

— Conn Carroll (@conncarroll) May 25, 2012

Note some of the pictures in which BHO is clearly stoned. Explains a lot!

— CalThomas (@CalThomas) May 25, 2012

President of US pretty darn happy to throw people into prison for doing what he did every day in high school #CHOOM

— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) May 25, 2012

Let me be cle… whoa Doritos! RT @BuzzFeedBen: A User's Guide To Smoking Pot With Barack Obama

— Brian Beutler (@brianbeutler) May 25, 2012

We knew about the Choom Gang in 2007, but this is the long-form pot certificate

— Luke Johnson (@johnson) May 25, 2012

Barack Obama was the Jeff Spicoli of his HS?

— Greg Pollowitz (@GPollowitz) May 25, 2012

Well whatever, Romney cut a kid's hair RT @ABCPolitics: Obama and His Pot-Smoking 'Gang'

— Princess Trophy Girl (@chelsea_elisa) May 25, 2012

If pot smoking were in the Olympics, Obama would be Michael Phelps

— Greg Pollowitz (@GPollowitz) May 25, 2012

On the issue of pot, Obama has evolved from Cheech & Chong to Dragnet.

— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) May 25, 2012

A little help the Left: I'm supposed to care about what Mitt did in high school, but I'm supposed to ignore this?

— Michael Graham (@IAMMGraham) May 25, 2012

What a leader! Our President, the pothead.

Community organizer or choom-unity organizer? You decide.


The media would just have you ignore it, of course.

@jeffemanuel: This is coming out in 2012 instead of 2008 *why*, exactly? #lapdogmedia #rsrh

— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) May 25, 2012

No, no, sillies! Even Jake Tapper says this is just old news.

@maybewise if by election day 2008 you didnt know Obama smoked pot in high school i dont know where you were

— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) May 25, 2012

for the rec, we were hip to the Choom Gang in jan 2007

— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) May 25, 2012

From the ABC article:

A blogger who attended the same high school as Obama, the Punahou School in Honolulu, Hawaii, HAS POSTED HERE the page of “Barry Obama” from his senior class yearbook.

Obama’s senior class note includes a reference to the “Choom Gang,” which the blogger claims was a reference to marijuana, though his office demurs from exlpaining what it meant. (Obama has admitted marijuana and cocaine use during his teenage years.)

URBAN DICTIONARY.COM has its own definitions, which you are welcome to check out for yourself.

See, nutty nuts? They devoted a four sentences to it! Sheesh!

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