Guitar legends are notorious for making some pretty weird faces while ripping into their axe for a sweet, sweet solo. Like, almost drummer-levels of weird. No matter how much you love your favorite musician, he or she probably gets Guitar Solo Face. With some rudimentary Photoshop skills, the guy over at Slug Solos decided to replace […]!/jpodhoretz/status/238051465929834496 A new poll commissioned by MSNBC and the Wall Street Journal shows that President Barack Obama heads into convention season with a four-point lead over rival Mitt Romney. Another number in that poll, though, seems to be drawing attention: African-American support for Romney stands at a solid zero percent. New NBC poll has black […]!/MarkHalperin/status/252389812236062720 As Twitchy reported, the lies about the terrorist attack in Libya that killed four Americans keep coming from the Obama administration. As predicted, the press is frantically trying to ignore. Not one of the Sunday ledes mention #Benghazigate. Not one. What they do mention? What about Romney’s gaffes?1111111 Also, he’s rich and stuff. For […]!/hogarthc4/status/298183279146844160 CBS News carried a live interview of President Obama from the White House this afternoon, prior to this evening’s Super Bowl. The interviewer, Scott Pelley, asked Obama about gay scoutmasters, taxes, women in combat, and other issues. Judging by the response to the interview on Twitter, quite a few Super Bowl fans were not […]!/JohnEkdahl/status/502902499280695297 Not only CNN but even the New York Times eventually had to acknowledge just how quickly President Obama managed to move from his statement on the beheading of journalist James Foley back to the golf course. Yes, it seems like President Obama is on permanent vacation, but the Associated Press has stepped in to note […]!/_briiaana/status/293503583230513152 No, it’s probably not your Twitter client, or your Internet connection, and Twitter isn’t saying if a slowdown for many users is due to Inauguration Day traffic. Twitter support sent out a message this evening acknowledging only that many users are having problems with the service. In the […]