Bill Maher, Elayne Boosler: Conservative groups were asking to be targeted

Million-dollar Obama donor Bill Maher might want to call the president on his Obamaphone and tell him to calm down. The president zipped on stage today to tell the nation how angry he was that the IRS was targeting specific groups based on ideology, calling the agency’s actions “inexcusable” and demanding the resignation of the acting IRS commissioner. That’s quite an overreaction, isn’t it, considering those Tea Party nuts were just asking for it all along … like when Geraldo Rivera let us know wearing a hoodie is like wearing a “shoot me” sign.

It’s not news that a Bill Maher tweet isn’t funny, but this one isn’t even original. Comedian Elayne Boosler had the same take yesterday.

The IRS audits based on “red flags” that get their attention. If u carry big sign saying NO TO TAXES!! yea, u might get audited.

— Elayne Boosler (@ElayneBoosler) May 14, 2013

Hilarious, huh? If you disagree with a government policy, you’re just asking to be intimidated into silence, right? The current scandal wasn’t about using audits to silence dissent, though. Reports indicate that the IRS flagged groups that criticized how the country is being run, held up applications for tax-exempt status through two election cycles and demanded that conservatives turn over lists of children along with reading lists, photos and Facebook posts. Oh, and the IRS might have stolen 60 million confidential medical records. But those Tea Party clowns are racist, so it’s OK, right?

@billmaher So its ok for the gov to abuse its power to abuse anyone at any time… good to know where you stand bill…

— Naz G’ul (@SausageTaco) May 16, 2013

@billmaher So I suppose it is justified to target anyone who opposes you? Should apply that logic universally. Makes a lot of sense.

— Mac Stevenson (@CHIKEEGMAH) May 16, 2013

@billmaher I’m pretty sure America is supposed to be a place of freedom of speech, thought, etc. political persecution is not tolerable

— Ryan ⛳ (@Rjmlny13) May 16, 2013

@billmaher went from dissent is the highest form of patriotism to dissent is a potential threat that calls for rights violations.

— Zac (@SwordofDamocles) May 16, 2013

What praytell is your witty excuse for the DOJ seizing the AP’s phone records?They shouldn’t say anything negative against Obama @billmaher

— Zac (@SwordofDamocles) May 16, 2013

@billmaher The single dumbest tweet in Twitter’s short history. Congrats.

— George(@jorge5863) May 16, 2013

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