Guess what Think Progress’ editor Judd Legum thinks is the new racism!/RBPundit/status/524219828102791169
In one tweet, @JuddLegum managed to take a giant shit on both the Civil Right struggle and Religious Freedom. #TakeABow
— Anthony Abides (@AnthonyAbides) October 20, 2014
Lunacy from Think Progress’ Editor in Chief Judd Legum? Say it ain’t so!
First, some background:
Two Christian ministers who own an Idaho wedding chapel were told they had to either perform same-sex weddings or face jail time and up to $1,000 in fines, according to a lawsuit filed Friday in federal court.
Some have a problem with the government forcing Christian ministers to marry same-sex couples:
I support same sex marriage. I also find it deeply troubling that a government would force a minister to perform one.
— Radley Balko (@radleybalko) October 20, 2014
Judd Legum said Christian ministers who refuse to perform same-sex weddings was totes the same as something else:
@radleybalko Do you find it similarly troubling that the gov't would force a restaurant to serve black people?
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) October 20, 2014
Default argument: Because racism! Except different, but not really.
Counter-productivity, they name is Legum:
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) October 20, 2014
.@JohnEkdahl If anything could make me rethink my support for SSM, it'd be liberal fanatics eager to burn out all differences of opinion.
— Moe Lane (@moelane) October 20, 2014
@moelane @JohnEkdahl They've made no secret of their desire to accomplish that very thing.
— Physics Geek (@physicsgeek) October 20, 2014
@JohnEkdahl From the man who asked why there weren't calls for a travel ban for mad cow.
— John Holtz (@presidentjlh) October 20, 2014
.@moelane Agree. I've always supported SSM, but I don't like the authoritarian streak of some progressives. Hurts their cause. @JohnEkdahl
— C. Whalen Stephens (@CorieWhalen) October 20, 2014
Try as you might, @JuddLegum, you will never turn a consensual sex act into a skin color. @radleybalko
— Konabianca (@konabianca) October 20, 2014
.@RBPundit Hey, .@JuddLegum, should a lesbian caterer was forced to cater a wedding reception at the Westboro Baptist Church if they ask?
— Meanwich 30 (@Chris_Clukey) October 20, 2014
Why don't people who support SSM just go out and get a license to be able to perform weddings to whoever they want? No money in it?
— RB (@RBPundit) October 20, 2014
It's weird. The only "choice" Leftists are okay with is one that involves killing a baby in the womb. h/t @pornpops69
— RB (@RBPundit) October 20, 2014
The verdict is in:
— Anthony Abides (@AnthonyAbides) October 20, 2014
JuddLeguming: ThinkProgress manchild offers painfully dumb take on Obamacare disaster
‘Racial stereotypes and prejudice’: ThinkProgress compares reactions to Ebola and Mad Cow
Think Progress editor finds administration’s ‘real man’ comment ‘pretty sexist’