In interviews, Romney calls Bain claims ‘outrageous,’ ‘beneath dignity of office’!/Sarah_Boxer/status/223908588920389633

In a media sweep of interviews to five networks, Mitt Romney today repeated his call for an apology from the Obama campaign for suggesting he was either a felon or a liar regarding his tenure at Bain Capital. “This is reckless and absurd on [Obama’s] part, and it’s something that’s beneath his dignity,” Romney told CBS News.

Full pushback in #Mittpalooza RT @mikiebarb: On CNN, Romney calls attacks from Obama "disgusting" and "demeaning."

— Maeve Reston (@MaeveReston) July 13, 2012

Mitt Romney Insists To CNN: 'I Had No Role Whatsoever In Management Of Bain Capital After February 1999' (VIDEO)

— Mediaite (@Mediaite) July 13, 2012

Of Pres. Obama's attacks, Romney tells CBS they are "shocking, ridiculous, beneath the dignity of the presidency."

— West Wing Reports (@WestWingReport) July 13, 2012

I can't phrase it this way in my story, but Romney and Obama are just having a pissing match over this Bain thing.

— Francesca Chambers (@fran_chambers) July 13, 2012

Romney, asked by CBS if Obama owes him an apology for campaign attacks alleging SEC filing fraud regarding Bain role: "Absolutely."

— Tim Hanrahan (@TimJHanrahan) July 13, 2012

Despite the tough rhetoric, Romney appeared amiable; perhaps too much so?

Watching Mitt Romney interviewed on CNN reminded me of Eddie Haskell.

— Dave Winer ☮ (@davewiner) July 13, 2012

Romney: My goodness! Obama definitely owes me an apology

— Right Scoop (@trscoop) July 13, 2012

Romney told CNN he would release only two years of tax returns.

Romney to CNN on tax returns: He'll put out just 2 years "That's all that's necessary for people to understand something about my finances."

— daveweigel (@daveweigel) July 13, 2012

Romney confirms to CNN only releasing two years: "that's all that's necessary for people to understand something about my finances."

— Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) July 13, 2012

More Mitt tax return complaints? Really? Spoilers: He's rich & he gives a crap-ton to charity.

— Political Math (@politicalmath) July 13, 2012

Liberals are not appeased.

@joshtpm: Mitt Romney to CNN: I've released all the tax returns MY voters need. The rest can kiss my butt.

— DanaBlankenhorn (@danablankenhorn) July 13, 2012

Mitt Romney tells CNN he will release no add'l tax returns. What is he hiding? This is unprecedented! #p2 #tcot #p2b

— Stephen Gary (@kindcutesteve) July 13, 2012

@jimacostacnn Lousy softball intv. You let Romney lie, lie, lie. Pathetic.

— LiberalPhenom (@LiberalPhenom) July 13, 2012

An apology is not forthcoming according to some sources. Pushing back against the push-back, the Obama campaign lobbies for the release of more tax returns.

RT @TPM: Obama campaign "not satisfied" with Romney's answer on Bain:

— Benjy Sarlin (@BenjySarlin) July 13, 2012

ABC News reports Obama campaign is not going to apologize to Romney #NewsyTweets

— E McMorris-Santoro (@EvanMcSan) July 13, 2012

#Obama2012 campaign says Pres. Obama will NOT be apologizing to Romney. via @ABC

— Nerdy Wonka (@NerdyWonka) July 13, 2012

Of course. Declasee.RT @whpresscorps: RT @evanmc_s: ABC News reports Obama campaign is not going to apologize to Romney #NewsyTweets

— soulwhisperer (@Manishka78) July 13, 2012

Obama Doesn’t Apologize for Misleading Felon Remarks; Romney Hits back Hard at Behavior | Obama must go bad 4 country

— Wayne Dupree ★彡 (@WayneDupreeShow) July 13, 2012

Some are calling on Romney to apologize for… something.

#Romney once U apologize 4 the 10's of thousands of lives U destroyed in your greed maybe Obama will apologize 4 being right abt you

— leben lieben lachen (@RandyAW) July 13, 2012

IRONY ALERT: @MittRomney, author of the book "No Apology", now demanding an apology from the President for pointing out Bain facts

— Ed Schultz (@edshow) July 13, 2012

@AP is Romney gonna apologize for all of HIS lies? "What's sauce 4 the goose, sauce 4 the gander" so far, this looks like hypocrisy

— Gloria Leston (@letsglo) July 13, 2012

Shorter Romney: that Kenyan Socialist Nazi usurper Obama should apologize for saying mean things about me!

— Will Smirk 4 Food (@WillSmirk4Food) July 13, 2012

@USRealityCheck Romney needs to apologize to his father, what a creepy son.

— Nancy Mitchell (@NancyWonderful) July 13, 2012

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