Twitterers offer half-baked election advice to Obama, Romney: Legalize pot, man!/ArianaFratto/status/254423954897395712

With Obama and Romney duking it out in the polls, something drastic needs to happen to widen the potential victory gap. According to some, that means one of the candidates needs to swoop in, joints a-blazing. In other words, make pot legalization a part of your platform, and the presidency’s in the bag, dude.

If Obama say "I'm going to make marijuana legal" the presidential debate is going to be over even Romney gone vote for Obama lol

— Dont Get Tired (@_PookMontana) October 4, 2012

If Romney make marijuana legal..I'd mentally vote for him #WishICouldVote

— Yanna (@yannakp) October 4, 2012

As long as Mitt Romney makes marijuana legal, he has my vote.

— (@d0nparadiso) October 4, 2012

If Obama wants to win all he has to do is say Marijuana will be legal. Boom! won all the pothead votes by that and there's ALOT lol

— OG Smoker (@WFSilvax) October 4, 2012

Obama should just say, "pot is legal and the drinking age is 18". Game over.

— Steve French (@Tyler_Wills) October 4, 2012

Fuck politics AK for president. RT if you feel the same. Making the drinking age non-existent and making pot legal. What up Obama and Romney

— Arlen Kerst (@akerst_02) October 4, 2012

If obama or romney were to fight to legalize marijuana, they would easily win. 

— Tre White Owl (@TreWhiteOwl2) October 5, 2012

If Obama wants to win all he has to do is say Marijuana will be legal. Boom! won all the pothead votes by that and there's ALOT lol

— Angelfacee *101* (@Dollphace_x) October 4, 2012

If Mitt Romney says hes going to legalize pot.. it might be #endgame for #Obama

— Christopher (@LivngLaVidaSofa) October 4, 2012

If romney makes pot legal he's got my vote lmao

— CREADY (@Jon_Gottii) October 9, 2012

If either Romney or Obama simply said I would legalize marijuana they would automatically be elected

— logan (@JetpackPogan) October 5, 2012

If Romney or Obama say they would legalize marijuana, they would win the election.

— Scott Flinn ⚾️ (@KohFFee_) October 7, 2012

Obama should make marijuana legal, & then he'll get his next four years.

— ▿ (@volcaneau) October 6, 2012

Wanna win the election Romney or Obama? Legalize marijuana.

— Rebel. (@Skaterswagga) October 7, 2012

if Romney decides to legalize marijuana, Obama is fucked.

— l e n a ☮ (@lenabracadabra) October 7, 2012

If Romney, or Obama, said "I'll legalize marijuana" they would gain so many votes

— stephanie dawn (@x0stephanieee) October 9, 2012

All this shit about #Obama vs #Romney. I could win this election easy. Just say ima legalize marijuana. They make promises they never keep

— Dave Wedding (@Burger_7) October 8, 2012

If Obama got on da mic & say "I will legal marijuana" he will win President again hands down.

— kristoffbates (@Fuckb0b) October 9, 2012

If Romney decides to legalize marijuana, he might even have a shot at the coveted Snoop Dogg vote.

One pot proponent saw legalization as an opportunity for rivals to stop harshing each other’s mellow and sit down for a joint session:

Why cant pot be legal then romney and obama could roll a blunt spark it and have a chill as debate

— betty (@TheMr_March) October 4, 2012

Kumbaya, man.



Man of the Puna Bud people: President Barack O-bammy and his pot-smoking ‘choom gang’; Update: ABC brushed under rug in 2007

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