Michael Moore: Illiterate Americans are stupid and easily manipulated


Hey, looks like Michael Moore is sizing up the Democrats’ next voting bloc: easily manipulated illiterates.

As always, the obnoxiously elitist filmmaker couldn’t resist looking down his nose at the very people he hopes to attract to the Left. It’s not that people with inadequate reading skills are uneducated — they’re “stupid” and can’t think for themselves. Way to go, Mike! That’s the way to get them on board!

Oh, and the text-speak is a nice touch. U did a good job reaching out 2 the illiterate ppl thru Twitter!

Apparently Moore blames the schools, media and religion for the all the illiterates ruining the country. Uh, Earth to Michael Moore:

Teachers' unions and leftist news RT @MMFlint: …. It's easy to manipulate ppl w/ fear if u can keep them stupid thru "schools", media…

— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) July 23, 2012

@MMFlint says a man who publicly supports the same people who have produced the blatantly ineffective schools you complain about.

— Mark McClain (@MarkMMcClain) July 23, 2012

Illiterate people can learn to read. Sadly for Michael Moore, self-awareness is harder to come by.

But never mind all that. Moore’s slobbering fans know exactly who makes up America’s functionally illiterate population:

@MMFlint This is why the Rethuglicans don't want to improve our educational system. It keeps people where they want them. SCARY!

— Joi M Andre (@joimandre) July 23, 2012

@MMFlint all ready for a lifetime voting republican or worse tea party. That stat is worthy of the third world.

— M (@mitchmusic) July 23, 2012

@MMFlint My guess is that most of these people are Republicans, how else can you explain anyone accepting lunatic economic policies of GOP?

— Gan K. Nathan (@ganeshk1102) July 23, 2012

@MMFlint I wonder how many of them are regular Fox News viewer? We report, you decide!

— Michael Napolitano (@ocalamike) July 23, 2012

And they’re not just “Rethuglicans” and Fox News viewers; they’re home-schoolers who shop for good deals at — gasp! — Walmart!


Many liberals despise home schooling and school choice — options that empower parents to give their children quality educations. Want to tell us again who wants Americans “stupid” and pliable?


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/07/23/michael-moore-illiterate-americans-are-stupid-and-easily-manipulated/

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