After ignoring Fast and Furious, NBC tries to cover Holder contempt vote!/ByronYork/status/215580505901502464

NBC Nightly News led off tonight’s program with a report on the House Oversight Committee’s contempt vote over Attorney General Eric Holder’s Fast and Furious stonewalling. Covering that event presented a bit of a problem, though, as the network had refused to report on the growing scandal for a year and a half.  This likely left viewers scratching their heads and wondering what anchor Brian Williams was talking about (a fact he alluded to in his lead-in to the story).

The self-imposed awkwardness that resulted was noted by several in the online community, who scolded and ridiculed NBC and Williams for their report and for their previous refusal to mention the scandal.

Tell Brian Terry's fam MT @ByronYork: 'For those not following complexities of it, looks like more of our broken politics' -Brian Williams

— The Real Bepo (D) (@TheRealBepo) June 20, 2012

MT @ByronYork: 'For those not following complexities of Fast & Furious, like me, ever. E-v-e-r.' -Brian Williams

— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh) June 20, 2012

where does brian williams get his talking points for the nightly news? obama's campaign speeches? #fastandfurious

— kelly (@kellydianna) June 20, 2012

So apparently Brian Williams ascribed Congress wanting answers on #FastandFurious to "our broken politics". #LapDogMedia

— SunnyRight (@sunnyright) June 20, 2012

To call Brian Williams an empty suit would be an insult to empty suits…

— Stratego (@Pqlyur1) June 20, 2012

Regular @NBCNews viewers now sitting on couches wondering what the hell #Brian Williams is talking about. #FastandFurious #ShamelessHackery.

— ShoreDor (@ShoreDor) June 20, 2012

That’s too funny! And, unfortunately, it’s probably too true.

Brian Williams is really struggling with this one. @NBCnews forced to remove their Blinders. #fastandfurious

— JD York (@TripleDotter) June 20, 2012

Brian Williams: "Tonight on @nbcnightlynews US House heads toward contempt of AG Holder, we just can't tell you why." #tcot #FastandFurious

— GayPatriot™ (@GayPatriot) June 20, 2012

NBC Nightly news opens with contempt vote on Holder. Brian Williams could be heard muttering under his breath "What's this all about?"

— Stratego (@Pqlyur1) June 20, 2012

Based on that Brian Williams quote, it seems NBC is no longer a news organization. They're more like a comforting binky for the left.

— Slublog (@Slublog) June 20, 2012

Even this “binky for the left” network has now been forced to report on Fast and Furious. Who knows? Maybe some NBC viewers will start to wonder how much faith they should place in a network that spent a year and a half ignoring a scandal that just led to the attorney general being found in contempt by a House committee.

Update/Correction: We thank Mary Chastain for reminding us that NBC News covered Fast and Furious for a whopping 30 seconds last week. Chastain notes, “No background information was given about the operation and no mention was made of how it led to the deaths of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and over 300 Mexicans.”

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