Netroots Nation struggles to counter ‘Michelle Malkin effect’!/NewsWriter2/status/348224412513890304

Left-leaning squatters have owned the mainstream media for so long it seems they assumed they’d rightfully inherit new media as a simple birthright. Something happened along the way, though, and a few of the progressives gathered at the Netroots Nation conference in San Jose, Calif., this weekend are calling it the “Michelle Malkin effect.”!/fran_chambers/status/347777040520454144!/Byrne_Notices/status/347778471021387777

We at Twitchy love it too. Remind us to look into this Michelle Malkin person — she seems to have gotten under the Left’s skin.!/realmyiq2xu/status/348231234213773312!/NewsWriter2/status/348233083520159746

Malkin seems to be the breakout star of the conference so far without actually attending. If every panel is about her, we’re almost tempted to book tickets to progressive utopia Detroit next year. There’s no need to travel to a conference, though, to hear what you already know.!/fran_chambers/status/347777316342091776

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