23 French Fries You Need To Eat Before You Die

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We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us where to get the best French fries in the country. Here are their tantalizing suggestions!

1. “Wachos” from The Lobos Truck in Los Angeles

This popular L.A. food truck is responsible for the greatest marriage of our time: waffle fries and nachos. Try the Green Dragon wachoes, which comes with an eponymous sauce, guacamole, scallions and ranch (pictured), or the Buffalo wachos, which come tossed in diablo or angel sauce with bleu cheese, bacon, scallions and ranch.

Suggested by ypuentes.

2. Vinegar fries from Thrashers in Ocean City, Maryland.

A boardwalk staple in Ocean City, Thrashers has a controversial rule for eating its signature peanut oil-simmered fries: NO KETCHUP. But once you douse your fries in yummy apple cider vinegar, you won’t even care.

Suggested by Marc Hampton on Facebook and many others.

3. Garlic fries with lemon saffron aioli and bacon mayo at Frjtz in San Francisco

San Francisco’s famed Belgian eatery in the Mission district serves up frites with a wonderful variety of dipping sauces. Also: crepes!

Suggested by samanthas45f33e11a.

4. Dirty Dirty Fries with goat cheese, pork belly and pepperoncinis at Pickled Fish in Long Beach, Washington.

This spectacular combination of flavors will have your tongue doing a dance.

Suggested by sarahd47111a45b.

5. Pommes Frites in the East Village, Manhattan

A staple for drunk New Yorkers, Pommes Frites attributes its glory not only to its spectacular fries, but to its dizzying menu of dipping sauces, including curry ketchup, Vietnamese pineapple mayo, peanut satay, and parmesan peppercorn.

Suggested by marlenedelam and many others.

6. Purple potato fries at Boise Fry Company in Boise, Idaho

If you crave variety, you’ll love Boise Fry Company’s staggering selection of fry options. Consumers can choose between russet, purple, gold, sweet, okinawa and yam potatoes, and order them shoestring, regular, homestyle, tater tots or curly. And then there are the sauces: blueberry ketchup, marshmallow, cinnamon ginger, vanilla, and jalapeño are just a few. WHAT.

Suggested by christinapenn07.

7. Potato Patch at Kennywood Amusement Park in West Mifflin, Pennsylvania.

The Kennywood theme park is home to roller coasters, water rides and Potato Patch, one of the most famous fries joints in America. (It’s even allegedly won an award for Best Potato at an Amusement Park.) You can get your fries smothered in cheddar cheese and gravy, and of course, a veritable truckload of bacon.

Suggested by Bailey Ellis on Facebook and others.

8. Frites at Saus in Boston, Massachusetts.

Saus’ legendary frites come with sauces like bacon parm, “Saturday Night Chive,” and cheddar Duvel. (You can also order non-frites items like hot dogs and sandwiches, but why would you?)

Suggested by cass7210.

9. “Crack Fries” at Hopcat in Detroit, Michigan.

Any place that lets you order fries by the pound ($15 per, BTW) is a friend indeed. Hopcat’s legendary crack fries were the subject of a recent Detroit Free Press article, in which one resident dsecribed them as like “the best salt and cracked pepper potato chip you’ve ever had, and imagine it’s beer battered and its crisp and hot.”

Suggested by annieh4669d9d41.

10. Truffle fries at Hopdoddy Burger Bar in Austin, Texas

Community member zoer5 say Hopdoddy’s signature fries come with “truffle oil, Parmesan cheese and a little bit of fresh herb.” SOUNDS GOOD TO US.

Suggested by TexasToast and several others.

11. Crab Fries from Chickie and Pete’s in Philadelphia

Crinkle-cut, tangily seasoned and served with “white creamy cheese sauce.”

Suggested by sixersforlifex.

12. Kimchi Fries from Chi’lantro in Austin, Texas

Ready for some word porn? Chi’lantro, both a restaurant and a roaming food truck, serves up a “mount of crispy fries topped with caramelized kimchi, cheddar + monterey jack, cilantro, onions, magic sauce, sriracha, sesame seeds.” DEAD.

Suggested by L1992MP.

13. Green chile cheese fries at Cowgirl BBQ in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Everything should come coated in gooey cheese with zesty chiles.

Suggested by Nissa Sjoberg on Facebook.

14. Poutine at Common-Link in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Its name may sound like it should be a data analysis firm, but Colorado’s Common-Link truck serves up some famous poutine. You can order the traditional Canadian version, or a vegetarian version that comes with goat cheese sauce and a balsamic reduction drizzle.

Suggested by Audrey Howard on Facebook.

15. Brie fries from Baie Rouge in New Orleans

If you like the idea of warm brie fondue dripped over hot salty fries, you’re going to want to make Baie Rouge’s New Orleans your… bae.

Suggested by lisal4c02b9038.

16. Crinkle fries at Shake Shack

Danny Meyer’s fast-growing burger chain has become just as renowned for its crinkle fries as its custard and cheeseburgers. Shake Shack switched out some of its chains’ crinkles for a handcut Russet potato fry in 2014, but public outcry swiftly brought back the crinkle.

Suggested by the entire city of New York.

17. Cheese fries from Portillo’s in Chicago

Chicago’s famous hot dog chain also cranks out some tasty crinkle-cuts. Try them with cheese sauce because obviously.

Suggested by victoriaaniak and others.

18. Jonesy’s EatBar in Denver, Colorado

Voted the Best Fries in the United States, Jonesy’s offering comes smothered with beer cheese soup, coated with pork green chili or topped with Thai ginger sauce. One ticket to Denver, please.

Suggested by Jenna Martinez on Facebook.

19. Szechuan fries at The Continental Mid-Town in Philadelphia

Shoestring fries piled into a veritable mountain and accompanied by a spicy Chinese mustard sauce are a meal in itself.

Suggested by georger483431f85.

20. Smothered Pulled Pork Fries at The Shaved Duck in St. Louis

Nothing say comfort food like “pulled rib and pork meat over hand cut fries topped with cheese sauce and freshly grated sharp cheddar.” That’s right: TWO forms of cheese. Hello Missouri.

Suggested by robinm42d171c82.

21. Duckfat fries at Bourbon Steak

Michael Mina’s Bourbon Steak restaurants (with locations in Miami, San Francisco, D.C. and more) serves up the ultimate indulgence: potatos fried in duck fat accompanied by a trio of sauces.

22. Ecstasy Fries at Chicken Joe’s in Albany, New York

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Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/jessicamisener/o-beautiful-for-spacious-fries

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