Detective Chris Matthews speculates on tax day connection to Boston bombing!/charliespiering/status/323929668409516032

More Chris Matthews: “I don’t think tax day means a lot to the Arab world or Islamic world or Al-Qaeda”

— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) April 15, 2013

Seriously, Chris Matthews.

— David Freddoso (@freddoso) April 15, 2013

Chris Matthews has actually said that President Obama is “the perfect American,” so we’d encourage him to try harder to emulate his hero, who in a statement just over an hour ago declared that “people shouldn’t jump to conclusions before we have all the facts.”

Is is possible that the bombings at the Boston Marathon were somehow related to tax day? Certainly — anything’s possible at this point. But what’s this malarkey about domestic terrorism being a right-wing phenomenon?

Real Clear Politics has the video:

Normally, domestic terrorists, people tend to be on the far right, well that’s not a good category, just extremists, let’s call them that. Do they advertise after they do something like this? Do they try to get credit as a group or do they just hate America so much or its politics or its government that they just want to do the damage, they don’t care if they get public credit, if you will?

@arky870 Obama won’t even call bombing terrorism,and dems like Chris Matthews are trying to blame the right saying its because today tax day

— Paul Freeman (@goodguytex) April 15, 2013

Hey @hardball_chris how are you any different than Alex Jones in terms of being a speculative nutjob?

— Josh Fields (@partiallypro) April 15, 2013

Chris Matthews:”If it’s domestic & they have a message, they could be anti-taxation, it could be anti-big government, could be anything.”

— Paula Bolyard (@pbolyard) April 15, 2013

Oh, and what does it say that the “terrorists” went after the JFK Library, which honors one of America’s most beloved Democrat presidents? Probably not a lot, as the fire there is now being called an unrelated incident.

Matthews said conservatives would want to blow up JFK Library. Turns out it was a fire.

— Kevin (@MorningVent) April 15, 2013

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