Pander-monium tour: What’s Obama’s next stop?!/Jewtastic/status/214021328418783232

Friday, President Obama unveiled a new program that will grant deportation waivers to thousands of illegal immigrants. Predictably, liberals in the media and elsewhere fell in love with the new initiative.

Conservatives, on the other hand, are calling out the president’s constant pandering in search of votes. The prevailing question is, which group is next on the Obama pander list?

Is there anyone Obama wont pander too? first gay marriage for their vote then he supports drug use for the youth vote, Now ignore illegals!

— Fritz Harrod (@bignels2) June 16, 2012

Soon #Obama will run out of groups to pander to! Basically same number of people employed today as when he took office. #tcot #economy #sm

— Richard S Pearson (@RichardSPearson) June 16, 2012

Is there anyone else to whom #Obama can shamelessly pander. Since the law and #Constitution do not matter to him…

— Liberty Log (@Libertylog) June 16, 2012

@MHPshow @MHarrisPerry @thomas15254 Obama violates Constitution #immigration and left cheers Dear Leader had supermajority 4 two yrs #pander

— John (@berlin63) June 16, 2012

@TeamRomney best route n Obama immigration is that POTUS circumvents rule of law to pander for votes, thinks he is a I've the constitution

— somebodys mom (@MMonops) June 16, 2012

Obama uses executive order to pander to Hispanic voters. Romney & GOP RINO's scared to do anything! ALL COWARDS!!

— ARC4Freedom (@ARC4Freedom) June 16, 2012

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