That’s the ticket! Study suggests minimum wage should be $21.72!/MikeElk/status/301790040621711360

President Obama is pushing for the hourly minimum wage to be raised to $9, but according to a study by the Center for Economic and Policy Research, that’s not nearly enough. The study suggests that, in order to keep up with increased worker productivity, the minimum wage should be increased to $21.72 per hour. No, really:

The minimum wage should be $21.72, and that’s science:

— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) February 14, 2013

Shockingly, some people are quite keen on that number:

If minimum wage was $21.72 I wouldn’t mind working in fast-food

— ☆☆Laquil Humbles☆☆ (@JadaLegit_16) February 14, 2013

YES please happen RT @huffpostlive: Why the minimum wage should actually be $21.72

— Anis Filza (@anisfilza) February 14, 2013

Yeah RT @musbenyce: I’m down RT @huffingtonpost The minimum wage should be $21.72, study says

— Mr. De La Cruz (@SixxMinutes) February 14, 2013

“Why The Minimum Wage Should Actually Be $21.72″ Who would be against this?

— HimSoCool (@weaver_robert) February 14, 2013

No surprise here. Suppressed wages is why we have a 1% | The minimum wage should have reached $21.72 an hour in 2012.

— kevin (@k_bristol) February 14, 2013

Fuck Yea @cherbelleamour: Absolutely RT @huffingtonpost: The minimum wage should really be $21.72, study finds

— iDee (@westbmorecash) February 14, 2013


@huffingtonpost ok, see this is how we Progressives and Liberals start to loose the argument, $21.72 is not going to gain any traction.

— Josue Pierre (@CitizenPierre) February 14, 2013

You’ve got that right. Businesses are already being squeezed by countless taxes and regulations. If the minimum wage increase to $9 would result in more hiring freezes and layoff bombs, just imagine what an increase to $21.72 would bring.

#Headdesk RT @huffingtonpost: The minimum wage should really be $21.72, study finds

— Doug Mataconis (@dmataconis) February 14, 2013

What could possibly go wrong? RT @huffingtonpost The minimum wage should really be $21.72, study finds

— Matthew DesOrmeaux (@cynicusprime) February 14, 2013

@boldprogressive Yes, and unemployment rate would be about 21.72%Please tell me you understand the concept of my point at least.

— Fred Colorado (@FredWMy) February 14, 2013

As a small business owner, this depresses me. via @petersgoodman if minimum wage were fair wage, would be $21.72 / hr…

— ShawnMammal™ (@shawnimal) February 14, 2013

Go for it. Good luck with that. RT @huffingtonpost: The minimum wage should really be $21.72, study finds

— T. Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) February 14, 2013

Erm. bankrupt half of small businesses RT @huffingtonpost: The minimum wage should really be $21.72, study finds

— Dahnish(@dahnish) February 14, 2013

Perfect. It’s just what America needs.

I’m in favour of a $21.72 minimum wage to help the poor, reduce unfairness, end inequality, move forward, be diverse, and bet on America.

— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) February 14, 2013

But why stop there?

They couldn’t just round up to $22?

— RB (@RBPundit) February 14, 2013

Why not just make it an even $25? RT @huffingtonpost: The minimum wage should really be $21.72, study finds

— Tommy (@FirstTeamTommy) February 14, 2013

Aww heck, why not $50! RT @huffingtonpost: The minimum wage should really be $21.72, study finds

— Daniel Webb (@DWebbVA) February 14, 2013

To infinity — and beyond!

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