Dishonest libs spin Ann Romney’s RNC speech as slam on gay marriage!/wilw/status/240657420886618113

Tuesday night Ann Romney hit it out of the park with her GOP convention speech.

Sitting in convention perimeter bar, word most often used to describe #AnnRomney speech? "awesome" #GOP2012

— Kathryn Jean Lopez (@kathrynlopez) August 29, 2012

But instead of offering substantive disagreement with the content of her speech, the perpetually outraged Left went ahead and made stuff up. Here’s the quote that has the frothing “reality-based” progressive community claiming Mrs. Romney attacked gay marriage.

"A storybook marriage? Not at all. What Mitt and I have is a real marriage." Ann Romney #RNC2012

— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) August 29, 2012

Full context:

I am still in love with that boy that I met at a high school dance and he still makes me laugh. I read somewhere that Mitt and I have a storybook marriage. Well, let me tell you something.  In the storybooks I read, there never were long, long rainy winter afternoons in a house with five boys screaming at once, (LAUGHTER) and those storybooks never seemed to have chapter’s called M.S. or breast cancer.  A storybook marriage?  Nope, not at all.

What Mitt Romney and I have is a real marriage.

Does any sane, rational, honest person see anything remotely resembling a slam on gay marriage? No?

Well, evidently there are plenty of cuckoo liars desperately searching for the manufactured outrage of the day. And manufacture they did. Leading the pack was “anti-bullyingbully Dan Savage, the activist behind the “It Gets Better” campaign. He encouraged followers to use the hashtag #UnrealMarriage.

Ann Romney brags about her "real marriage." Guess that makes my marriage unreal. #unrealmarriage

— Dan Savage (@fakedansavage) August 29, 2012

Perhaps his next campaign should be called “It Gets Bitter.”

Terry & I have been together 18 years and our son D.J., adopted at birth, is 14. Not bad for a couple of fags in an #unrealmarriage, huh?

— Dan Savage (@fakedansavage) August 29, 2012

Actor Wil Wheaton also got in on the action.

I am proud to stand up for same-sex couples who love each other like Anne and I do, so everyone can have an #unrealmarriage like ours.

— Wil Wheaton (@wilw) August 29, 2012

He was swiftly taken to task by a gay conservative.

@wilw If this is re: Ann Romney, her "real marriage" statement was contrasting to a fairytale example. I'm gay, and I approve her message 🙂

— Chris Barnhart (@ChrisBarnhart) August 29, 2012

.@wilw You are purposefully misconstruing statements you THINK are about my life to promote YOUR celebrity. Stop it. You don't speak for me.

— Chris Barnhart (@ChrisBarnhart) August 29, 2012

Fist bump for Chris. And maybe a Jersey-style fist pump for good measure.

@p0haku His faux outrage over Ann Romney's non-statement is a lie. Deal with it. @wilw

— Chris Barnhart (@ChrisBarnhart) August 29, 2012

Ha! @WilW blocked me. Guess i'm not the "right kind" of gay. #NotYourHouseFaggotWheaton

— Chris Barnhart (@ChrisBarnhart) August 29, 2012

The dishonesty was rampant, and as always, served up with a side of vile, misogynist slurs.

@bpost34 Ann Romney is a cunt. #unrealmarriage

— Dannister (@infinitesadd) August 29, 2012

Fuck the GOP and the #UnRealMarriage deal going on.

— Eliza (@UnamusedBunny) August 29, 2012

If the Romneys and what they believe represent real marriage, I look forward to finding the perfect man for my own #UnrealMarriage one day.

— Emerson Collins (@ActuallyEmerson) August 29, 2012

Oh @AnnDRomney. My #unrealmarriage is very real in Canada, quite loving, and not built upon ill-begotten wealth and political convenience.

— Alek (@alekt) August 29, 2012

My #unrealmarriage to my wonderful wife Amy is six years old and going strong! Oh wait! It’s legal. Guess it’s a #realmarriage, Ann Romney.

— Megan A. Brooks (@librarygrrrl) August 29, 2012

@jdoyle4: #AnnRomney is a complete bitch. That is all. #RNC#unrealmarriage

— BUSTINTTU (@BUSTINTTU) August 29, 2012

The GOP are truly monsters this year. #unrealmarriage

— Alex Barbatsis (@AlexBarbatsis) August 29, 2012

What exactly makes a marriage REAL? Is it just lack of gayness, or do I have to get a dressage horse too? #unrealmarriage #RNC

— [redacted] (@vandeand) August 29, 2012

We've been together 15 years, married 11, and recognized by the state for 4 (California 2008 limited edition). #unrealmarriage

— Gina Trapani (@ginatrapani) August 29, 2012

Ann Romney implies that same-sex marriages are not real. I support #unrealmarriage

— Jamie Goodwin (@JustCallMeJamie) August 29, 2012

That bitch… “@fakedansavage: Ann Romney brags about her "real marriage." Guess that makes my marriage unreal. #unrealmarriage

— Cyn (@Makeupbycyn) August 29, 2012

#unrealmarriage marriage has been legal in Canada for years. I keep waiting for society to collapse but so far…nothing.

— Nadine Thornhill (@NadineThornhill) August 29, 2012

AWESOME to see LGBT couples reject Anne Romney's definition of "real marriage" by tweeting about their weddings! #unrealmarriage #GOP2012

— Chagmion Antoine (@ChagmionAntoine) August 29, 2012

No, genius. Ann Romney was making a distinction between storybook marriages and the reality of marriage, with all of its joys and hurdles.

One Twitter user appeared to acknowledge that the Left was willfully twisting Mrs. Romney’s words to serve its agenda. Not that it bothered her:

It doesn't matter how she meant it #unrealmarriage is now another black mark on the Romney campaign. It only takes a few tweets. #wordchoice

— Nia Ain (@AinQueen) August 29, 2012

No. Your despicable attacks on an accomplished woman are a black mark on the Left.

But keep at it, lefties! We can’t wait to see how your brilliant political strategy works out for you in November.

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