New tone alert: California Democrat compares Paul Ryan to Nazi Joseph Goebbels!/Katz_Alex/status/242655668497174528

Remember when Democrats wanted to tone down the rhetoric? How about comparing Paul Ryan to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels? That must not count because it is exactly what California Democratic Party chairman John Burton did.

CA reporters know:What John Burton said today was run of the mill 4 him-possibly mild compared to other things he's said previously

— David M. Drucker (@DavidMDrucker) September 3, 2012

Here is the actual quote from The Hill:

“They lie and they don’t care if people think they lie … Joseph Goebbels — it’s the big lie, you keep repeating it,” John Burton, the state party chairman, said in an interview with two California reporters on Monday.

Oh, I see. It's ok for liberals to compare conservatives to Nazis, but not other way round.

— Bryan Fischer (@BryanJFischer) September 3, 2012

@wtp2010 John Burton does not know that Nazi stands for National socialist Part having nothing to do with conservatives.

— William Dillon (@wdillon1942) September 3, 2012

And of course, Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt is silent on the issue.

Obama spox LaBolt refused to answer questions about calls for CA Dem Chair to step down, regarding this:

— Anthony De Rosa (@AntDeRosa) September 3, 2012

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