Did Obama perform the #LatteSalute with a Styrofoam cup?

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We can’t confirm that the president was indeed drinking his beverage out of a Styrofoam cup, but if so, oh the hypocrisy — it burns!

Obama's 'Styrofoam cup salute' provokes Republican outrage http://t.co/ikzPfwnO6y pic.twitter.com/5y89BRwIAT

— The Independent (@Independent) September 24, 2014

You have to carry the dog off the helicopter. You don't have to carry the Styrofoam cup. #LatteSalute

— Neal Boortz (@Talkmaster) September 24, 2014

Here’s an excerpt from a UN initiative titled “The Future We Want” (emphasis ours):

. . .”the future we want” is transparent: glass not plastic bags, no more take-out containers
as we can reuse our own, no styrofoam, less medical waste, less
for convenience and more mindfulness, lights dimmed shadows deepen
the least harmful carbon imprint. . .

“No Styrofoam” means no Styrofoam for everybody.

But if it is a Styrofoam cup, the president wouldn’t be the first to hypocritically use the environmentally destructive but incredibly effective container for hot beverages. The Washington D.C. city council, which recently banned Styrofoam throughout the district, still uses them:

Despite voting to ban styrofoam, DC Council still using polystyrene cups at monthly breakfast meeting. Ban takes effect 2016.

— Mark Segraves (@SegravesNBC4) September 23, 2014

Of course they do.

Additionally, we can’t confirm that the president was drinking coffee. It might have been tea:

RT @dwallbank: This "Latte" thing just proves more people should read @mviser's blog. The president drinks tea. http://t.co/swSUGy2FZn

— Matt Viser (@mviser) September 23, 2014

Semper Chai, Mr. President. Semper Chai:

Shld be #SemperChai #tcot@irishspy: *zing!!* RT @NileGardiner: Obama salute to Marines remembered as 'Semper Latte' http://t.co/qSqu7u9sg3

— Libertybelle01 (@libertygirl01) September 24, 2014

#SemperChai 😤😫. How embarrassing.

— Kristie Underwood (@KrisTUnderwood) September 24, 2014


But Bush! Pathetic libs compare Obama’s disgraceful cup salute to Marines with THIS [photos]

‘I had to salute with a prosthetic arm’: President Obama’s #LatteSalute outrages; Updated


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/09/24/did-obama-perform-the-lattesalute-with-a-styrofoam-cup-before-he-went-to-the-un-to-talk-about-the-environment/

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