‘GOP shill’ Politico riles lefties with description of True the Vote


Yeah, Politico, what’s going on over there? In an article published today about the effects of the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Voting Rights Act, not only did reporter Tal Kopan talk to True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht — she also referred to the group as “a nonprofit that trains poll watchers and supports election integrity efforts across the country.”

MSNBC reporter Zack Roth has never heard True the Vote described that way in “straight reporting.” And yes, a quick search of MSNBC’s website shows that the network’s preferred description is “voter suppression group” True the Vote.


We have heard True the Vote described as “animals” and “Tea Party Nazis” (thanks, Cher). Rep. Elijah Cummings launched an investigation into the group a month before last year’s presidential election, demanding copies of the groups correspondence, training materials, research software, databases and more. We might be mistaken, but we don’t remember that witch hunt going anywhere. True the Vote did push back against attempts at intimidation in May, filing suit against the IRS’ Lois Lerner for targeting the group for extra scrutiny.


Godwin’s law invoked in 3, 2, 1…

.@Zackroth just outed himself as a Bernays/Goebbels propagandist.

@politico @TrueTheVote

#electionintegrity or #uniteblue, #p2 w/ @MNSBC— Arlen Williams (@ArlenWms) August 12, 2013


Politico might have withheld that True the Vote is composed of Tea Party Nazis, but the group’s public relations director noted that other groups mentioned in the piece, like Advancement Project, are simply “activists,” like how those kids burning down Europe every now and then are just “youths.”


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/08/12/gop-shill-outlet-politico-riles-lefties-with-description-of-true-the-vote/

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