DNC politicizes women again, prepares to attack Romney with aide’s tweets


Politicizing women is all the Democrats have, it seems. Of course, we are to shaddup if it’s an Obama surrogate or high-ranking consultant saying worse things. Hilary Rosen, anyone? The media, of course, will jump on the DNC-pushed tweets as a way to continue to carry Obama’s water, using the embeds who are there to “catch” Romney. They have already teamed up against Romney and pulled the same stunt in the Fluke kerfuffle.

The story is that evidently Mitt Romney’s new foreign policy spokesman, Richard Grenell, can get a bit catty on Twitter. Oh, the horror! He even … gasp … made fun of Callista Gingrich’s hair. The monster! He is, of course, scrubbing his Twitter account. That’s what you have to do in the age of incessant boo-boo feelings and perpetual victim-hood. And now they need some manufactured outrage.

Look, dames aren’t babies who go running to cry in the corner if someone makes fun of their hair, for cripes sake. How patronizing, Democrats. Why don’t you try cleaning your own house first? We’ll help. Start here:

Obama SuperPAC donor Bill Maher savages Ann Romney; conservatives on Twitter lash back

And here:

Ann Romney joins Twitter to respond to radical feminist attack; Hilary Rosen digs in, Axelrod/Messina flee

And here:

Where's your 'War on Women' now, Corrupt MSM –> Comedian Who Called Palin 'B*tch' Helps Launch 'Latinos for Obama' http://t.co/4PdyA42G

— John Nolte (@NolteNC) April 26, 2012

Have a little chat with Obama’s Secretary of State while you’re at it, since you are so concerned with foreign policy people making disparaging remarks about women.

And maybe tell your supporters to stop with the violent threats against women.


Or the vile and beyond revolting slurs. A tad worse than poking fun at one’s hair.

Jan brewer is one ugly bitch… sorry.. i dont think there is enough whiskey in ireland that would make me want to even hit that…

— Shane Pogue (@ShaneAgainst) April 25, 2012

It’s okay because Governor Brewer isn’t a real woman, right?

This is how Democrats treat a woman who made a joke.

And maybe don’t allow President Obama to consider the repulsive misogynist Andrew Sullivan as “thoughtful analysis.”

Then try talking about issues that actually concern everyone, including women.


We are people, you know, and not just some special interest group. Of course, that’s all the Democrats think we are and they will use us every chance they get.

New Romney Spokesman Used Twitter For Sexist Attacks http://t.co/HR0LzFGk

— Texas State Dems (@txstatedemocrat) April 24, 2012

New Romney Spokesman Used Twitter For Sexist Attacks http://t.co/178wEYgf

— Hays Democrats (@haysdems) April 24, 2012

And the Twitter account of the Democratic party is in full “use women” mode today.

.@HHSgov's Kathleen Sebelius: "Mitt Romney thinks that being a woman by birth is a pre-existing condition." #WLF

— The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) April 27, 2012

Planned Parenthood's @CecileRichards: "This November, the future of our daughters and granddaughters is on the ballot." #WLF @PPact

— The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) April 27, 2012

.@CecileRichards: "No more politicians go to D.C. who are against women's health care and women's rights. That's our battle cry." #WLF

— The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) April 27, 2012

Aided by Senator Boxer.

Is it an “imaginary” #WaronWomen when #GOP nearly shuts down the federal gov’t over efforts to defund family planning?

— Sen. Barbara Boxer (@SenatorBoxer) April 27, 2012

Is it an “imaginary” #WaronWomen when VA’s #GOP legislators seek to force women to undergo invasive medical procedures?

— Sen. Barbara Boxer (@SenatorBoxer) April 27, 2012

Politicizing women at every turn should be the Democrats’ slogan.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/04/27/dnc-politicizes-women-again-prepares-to-attack-romney-with-aides-tweets/

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