Priorities! Obama weighs in on pressing issue: Did Minaj endorse Romney?!/PounderFile/status/245135844594290688

Pitiful. His laser-like focus on himself is unwavering. Continuing his trend of taking hard-hitting questions from the likes of Glamour magazine and the “Morning Mayhem” radio show, Obama appeared on a hip-hop station today. He was asked about The Great Minaj/Romney Debate ™.

Barack Obama asked about Nicki Minaj's endorsement of @MittRomney. The lazy guy who's messing up economy pretends it's not happening. #IOW

— NY for Mitt (@NY4Mitt) September 10, 2012

As Twitchy reported, Nicki Minaj released a mix-tape that appeared to endorse Romney with the line, “I’m a Republican voting for Mitt Romney/You lazy bitches is fucking up the economy.”

This does not suit! So, President Obama is totally running with the “it’s just a persona” rationale, and wants to make sure that everyone knows it. Economy, shmonomy! What would Nicki Minaj do?

Obama ‘not sure’ Nikki Minaj endorsed Mitt Romney

— Post Politics (@postpolitics) September 10, 2012

Obama disputed Nicki Minaj's endorsement of Romney telling a Fla radio station, "She likes to play different characters."

— Amie Parnes (@amieparnes) September 10, 2012

The President of the United States is actually debating the endorsement or non-endorsement of a rapper. While there is a teachers strike in Chicago, a major city.

More from The Washington Post:

Asked if Minaj had endorsed his opponent, Obama responded, “I’m not sure that’s actually what happened. I think she had a song on there, a little rap that said that.” But, he notedaccurately, “she likes to play different characters.”

Most pressing issue of our times! Citizens find it even more pathetic and desperate than usual.

True RT @pmbenson33 Obama talking about Nicki Minaj. Yeah, she WON.

— Django Minaj (@TheTorracle) September 10, 2012

Obama responding to nicki Minaj is a huge fail. The only reason it's acceptable to some is bc it's "anti republican"

— VideoDJ Tech Support (@VJtechsupport) September 10, 2012

What's scarier is how much Barack Obama knows about Nicki Minaj.

— Can we talk? (@RyanHoulihan) September 10, 2012

Jay-Z was busy RT @LocksNtees: Why even address her? RT @GlobalGrind: WOW! Obama has a few words for Nicki Minaj…

— Dee Woodz (@ItzWoodz) September 10, 2012

Comforted that leader of the free world has deep psychological insight into the "different characters" of Nikki Minaj

— Beau Phillips (@beaup) September 10, 2012

I thought he hated politics being small? MT @BuzzFeedAndrew Obama: Nicki Minaj didn't really endorse Mitt Romney.

— Katrina Trinko (@KatrinaTrinko) September 10, 2012


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