‘Obamacare will make it easier’: Jennifer Hudson begins ACA sales pitch


Much like the president’s post-election meetings with union bosses, progressive activists, MSNBC hosts and liberal bloggers, the gathering of President Obama’s Entertainment Advisory Council yesterday wasn’t exactly secret, but it was apparently left up to the participants to let it be known they attended. Singer Jason Derulo posted a photo of himself in front of the White House yesterday, and tonight, Grammy and Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson casually mentioned just how great it was to see Obama yesterday.

For legislation that reportedly amounts to a seven-foot-high stack of paper when printed, it didn’t take long for Obama to pass along his product to the middlemen on the committee. Why didn’t Obama himself just tell us how easy it would be to sign up?


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/07/23/obamacare-will-make-it-easier-jennifer-hudson-begins-aca-sales-pitch/

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