Mia Farrow among those slamming Romney for… Neil Armstrong tribute?

“The moon will miss its first son of earth.”
Mitt Romney

— mia farrow (@MiaFarrow) August 25, 2012

Mitt Romney can’t get a break from the Left. Soon after news broke of Neil Armstrong’s passing, Romney was among many offering impromptu tributes to the first man on the moon.

Neil Armstrong today takes his place in the hall of heroes. The moon will miss its first son of earth.

— Mitt Romney (@MittRomney) August 25, 2012

Sounds OK to us, but something about “son of earth” seems to have hit a nerve with the “earthers.”


I think Mitt Romney just called Neil Armstrong the bastard child of the moon and the Earth.

— Norm Wilner (@normwilner) August 25, 2012

The creepiest thing about Mitt Romney's #SonOfEarth comment is that it plays as red meat for the Birthers. #panderbot

— Norm Wilner (@normwilner) August 25, 2012

Romney is even talking like a comic book villain. #SonOfEarth

— Benari Poulten (@BenariLee) August 25, 2012

I, for one, welcome our new satanic overlord. RT @jamesconroy: Is #sonofearth trending yet?

— Peter Krowiak (@peterkrowiak) August 25, 2012

The job creator @MittRomney hired Syfy channel flunkees to craft his Neil Armstrong homage tweet. Bad video game dialog #SonOfEarth

— Brian McCoy (@skweezo) August 26, 2012

For those wondering about the Hall of Heroes, it's around the block from the Hall of Justice, near the bus station. #Romney #p2

— Tara Dublin (@taradublinrocks) August 25, 2012

@MittRomney so TODAY he becomes a member of hall of heroes??? Armstrong was a hero before he died. Unbelieveable.

— Scott Allen (@azsportsguy) August 26, 2012

Ah, it must be Mormon code.

Is Romney quoting something I don’t recognize in that tweet? If not, that is some intense language. #SonOfEarth

— rob delaney (@robdelaney) August 25, 2012

templespeak? “@robdelaney: Is Romney quoting something I don’t recognize in that tweet? If not, that is some intense language. #SonOfEarth

— Russell Lemmer (@lemb0t) August 25, 2012

@robdelaney #SonOfEarth comes from Orphic Gold Plates, mentioned in this Mormon apologia: http://t.co/liBoGarG Romney has probably read it.

— Tom Betz (@TomBetzNY) August 25, 2012



Tough crowd. We’re sure Joe Biden’s tribute will be more to your liking, whenever he finishes writing it.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/08/25/mia-farrow-among-those-slamming-romney-for-neil-armstrong-tribute/

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