Rasmussen New Hampshire poll: Romney 48, Obama 45
Disregard the biased polls.
Rasmussen continues to show GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney leading President Barack Obama nationally and in swing states, including New Hampshire.
MSM spews out more biased polls
Misleading WaPo poll falsely asserts Obama is up by 8 in Virginia
Gallup: Obama’s post-convention bounce is gone
Rasmussen Colorado poll: Romney 47, Obama 45
Shhh! Top-secret Rasmussen poll shows Romney still up by 2
Ezra Klein: ‘If you look at the numbers, the Romney campaign is in serious trouble’
Erick Erickson says Romney is losing; Rasmussen begs to differ
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/09/19/rasmussen-new-hampshire-poll-romney-48-obama-45/