Media Matters accuses Daily Caller of ‘making shit up’ by posting video!/EricBoehlert/status/253572482517311489

Despite an effort by progressives and journalists to wish away the as-yet unaired and unedited video of Barack Obama at Hampton University in 2007, the Daily Caller stands by its decision to release the video on the eve of the first presidential debate.

We will continue to investigate the president at @dailycaller . We will not falter. We will not fail. Truth must come out about this admin.

— Matthew Boyle (@mboyle1) October 3, 2012

Media lapdogs did as they’re trained to do: they attacked Mitt Romney for somehow playing a part in releasing the video. Media Matters’ Eric Boehlert took an extra step, accusing the Daily Caller of “making shit up.” Um, by posting a full, unedited video?

@mboyle1 @EricBoehlert Does make shit up mean release full unedited video? If so, you really nailed them.

— Noone of consequence (@maybewise) October 3, 2012

@EricBoehlert @mboyle1 @dailycaller So a tape with the President speaking is "making shit up." Was it a ventriloquist?

— Jay Caruso (@JayCaruso) October 3, 2012

Boehlert’s super-secret GOP sources insist that the unedited and “dopey” Obama video is the final-final nail in the Romney campaign’s coffin, right next to the one driven in by the hidden-camera fundraiser video.

GOP strategist says Fox/Drudge/@dailycaller took a "shit" on Romney's only chance of winning by hyping dopey video;

— Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert) October 3, 2012

Good to know the tax-exempt Media Matters is keeping the rest of us honest with this level of insight.

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