Waaah: Meghan McCain attacks Andrew Breitbart and Michelle Malkin


Classy lady Meghan McCain can’t figure out why people find her infuriating, but like the meany head Michelle Malkin.

While, you know, Meggie Mac spews out insults at a deceased father of 4.

Here’s a tip for Ms. McCain: Perhaps if every time you popped up in the news you weren’t trashing conservatives in the most asinine ways, they’d be more accommodating towards you.


Sharpton asked when she believed the shift towards the right began, and McCain responded that she thought it was under the Bush administration that blogs became particularly vicious (she made sure to clarify this had nothing to do with President Bush, but that the timing was during his tenure). “I don’t understand the popularity of Michelle Malkin and Andrew Breitbart,” she added, though noting that Democrats had an extremism problem, too. The segment concluded with McCain noting it was a “really scary time” in politics, but ultimately, “you can’t actually kick me out of the Republican Party.”

@mccainblogette "I really don't understand the popularity of @michellemalkin & Andrew Breitbart" NO,YOU DON'T! That's why you're on Sharpton

— Mike Foote (@RealMikeFoote) May 25, 2012


Meghan McCain Slams Breitbart As Hateful Extremist If her dad wasn't #JohnMcCain would we even know her name? … #WAR

— Tamara Bates-Rhodes (@TamaraBatesRhod) May 25, 2012

Stay classy. RT @LarryOConnor: Oh Puh-leez… @Mccainblogette Slams @AndrewBreitbart As Hateful Extremist http://t.co/uJvoxCWi #War

— olliander (@ollieblog) May 25, 2012

Insipid hacktastic pathetically desperate fake hair wearing twit Meghan McCain Slams Breitbart As Hateful Extremist http://t.co/tW0ZG4b9

— LittleMissRightie (@LilMissRightie) May 25, 2012

MSNBC becoming network of vapid nepotism. RT @breitbartfeed: Meghan McCain Slams Breitbart As Hateful Extremist http://t.co/iSblLqhf

— Tony J. Lee (@TheTonyLee) May 25, 2012

Et tu McRino? RT @BreitbartFeed Meghan McCain Slams Breitbart As Hateful Extremist http://t.co/JoG4VIfl

— sháðowméñtal (@mjbanks) May 25, 2012

Apparently Meghan has resentments against people who matter. Meghan McCain Slams Breitbart As Hateful Extremist http://t.co/Ap7KWAus

— Eric Larson (@larsoneric50) May 25, 2012

Pathetic. RT @LarryOConnor Oh Puh-leez. @Mccainblogette Slams @AndrewBreitbart As Hateful Extremist http://t.co/5rhmnDBq #War

— AG (@AG_Conservative) May 25, 2012

Empty head, she is. RT @LarryOConnor: Oh Puh-leez… @Mccainblogette Slams @AndrewBreitbart As Hateful Extremist http://t.co/hEulgU2v #War

— Thom (@tatt2d) May 25, 2012


She's JOINED the bullies RT @LarryOConnor Oh Puh-leez. @Mccainblogette Slams @AndrewBreitbart As Hateful Extremist http://t.co/uNIMmwF6 #War

— Mandy Nagy (@Liberty_Chick) May 25, 2012

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/05/24/meghan-mccain-attack-andrew-brei/

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