Newest ‘nail’ in Romney campaign’s coffin, Sensata, has Obama connection!/chrislhayes/status/257235442771042304

How’s that for service? Who could imagine that an outlet like MSNBC would actually tell its progressive Twitter stalkers to hold tight while we get to your story? “Your Mitt Romney smear is important to us; please stand by while we dig up a sympathetic victim to exploit.”

ABC’s Jake Tapper says he’s on the story as well.

For those tweeting re:#sensata,yes i agree the issue of romney’s investments in china is legit given how much he talks china on stump

— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) October 14, 2012

After all, this is really it — the Bain Capital scandal that will bring down the Romney campaign once and for all. Would Pam Grier or the Daily Kos lie? This could destroy Romney. It’s the “Beltway Benghazi!”

Daily Kos: FINAL UPDATE: The #Sensata Story Could Destroy Romney… via @dailykos

— Pam Grier (@PamGrier) October 14, 2012

Beltway manufacturing BENGHAZI scandal….American Voters want answers on Chinese-Romney ties #SENSATA in shipping JOBS to China. #p2

— Jeff Gauvin (@JeffersonObama) October 14, 2012

Mitt Romney be flat out lying.y’all. Check this story out #Sensata.If you Lie,You Cheat, you cheat, you steal… So you know Romney will

— CedEntertainer (@CedEntertainer) October 14, 2012

You see, Romney’s blind trust includes holdings in Sensata Technologies, an Illinois company which Bain Capital purchased from Texas Instruments in 2006, years after Romney left Bain. Sensata has been outsourcing work to China and the Illinois plant faces closure in November. Even the New York Times notes that Romney had nothing to do with the decision to close the plant; however, Romney created the monster that is Bain, and should the spouse of any laid-off worker die, Romney might as well have murdered that person himself (hypothetically speaking, of course).

Progressives argue, though, that Romney still profits from the plant closing through his blind trust.

IMAGINE if Obama owned stock in a company that fired its workers, forced them to train Chinese replacements. flew the Chinese flag. #sensata

— Ani Sangye (@SangyeH) October 13, 2012

Well, that’s not so hard to imagine, really. Obama supporters fail to mention that the president is invested in Sensata as well. Again, the New York Times notes that as a former Illinois state senator, Obama “has as much as $100,000 in a state retirement plan that contains shares of Sensata Technologies.”

Did we mention that all of this is happening more than a decade after Romney left Bain?

Sensata Bain Notes: 1) Mitt hasn’t run Bain for over 12 years. 2) Sensata moving to China under NAFTA, Bill Clinton’s baby.

— Chuck Nellis (@ChuckNellis) October 14, 2012

@chucknellis Obama owns shares of Sensata. Personally gains from them!!

— patty shepherd (@pattyshepherd1) October 14, 2012

The Daily Kos, which is pushing the story, acknowledges that by “having so much power within Bain and owning 51% of it’s [sic] shares, I’m sure Romney could pull some strings and make some calls and stop Sensata from being outsourced.” There’s also the possibility that Obama, having been president of the United States for four years, could have done something as well, perhaps between “Daily Show” appearances. Bin Laden is dead, GM is alive … was there something else?

If you think Romney is responsible for a company he left 12 yrs ago, but Obama isn’t for past 4 yrs of the Economy, you’re an idiot #Sensata

— el SOOPer (@SooperMexican) October 14, 2012

Where @soopermexican shows how Obama owns part of Sensata and personally benefits from outsourcing jobs to China.…

— Razor (@hale_razor) October 14, 2012

Don’t forget #Solyndra: 1100 jobs lost #Obama funneled $Million$Tax$ to his cronies. #Sensata @soopermexican @catballou

— Serr8d (@Serr8d) October 15, 2012

What YOU need to know about #Sensata the simple truth. Romney owns .012 percent of Bain. This is #malarkey #tcot…

— Jeremy Mangen (@JJMangen1) October 15, 2012

Romney opponents have promised a “Twitterbomb” of Sensata tomorrow to keep the issue trending. Will the lapdog media pick up the campaign-destroying Sensata story as promised? Stay tuned. In the meantime, it’s good to know that the media are just now taking Twitter requests for investigations. Any questions for the president?

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