Josh Romney: ‘Taught dad how to debate obstinate child’; Left cries racist!/Big____Steve/status/255733405419966464

The Left needs a new motto. Might we suggest “the boys who cried dog whistle?” Because, here they go again. Members of the media breathlessly tweeted Josh Romney’s remarks when introducing his father today.

Josh Romney jokingly takes credit for dad's debate, says he & his brothers originally taught their father "how to debate an obstinate child"

— Rachel Streitfeld (@streitfeldcnn) October 9, 2012

Josh Romney makes his own joke about Romney's debate quip on his 5 boys: "As a father he learned how to debate an obstinate child.”

— Sarah Huisenga (@SarahHuisenga) October 9, 2012

Then came some editorializing with pearl-clutching “oohs.”

Oh. RT @jonward11: Josh Romney, introducing Mitt in Iowa, says he and his brothers taught their father "how to debate an obstinate child."

— Brett LoGiurato (@BrettLoGiurato) October 9, 2012

Ooh. Josh Romney, introducing Mitt in Iowa, says he and his brothers taught their father "how to debate an obstinate child."

— Jon Ward (@jonward11) October 9, 2012

Josh Romney was talking about how he and his brothers would "say the same lie over and over again, and my dad learned not to believe it."

— Jon Ward (@jonward11) October 9, 2012

Josh Romney didn't explicitly say that the president is "an obstinate child," just 2b clear. Still, not wise choice of words given context

— Jon Ward (@jonward11) October 9, 2012

What context? Why isn’t it a wise choice of words? It’s true. President Obama is the Stompy Foot in Chief.

I agree with Josh Romney. Barack Obama is acting like an obstinate child. Let the cries of #racism commence… #tcot

— Amy Lutz (@amylutz4) October 9, 2012

Oh, of course! Racist. Media lapdogs recently offered a new term for entry into the Handbook of Racial Code Words: Romney’s sons. You see, when Mitt Romney joked during the debate, “Look, I’ve got five boys.  I’m used to people saying something that’s not always true, but just keep on repeating it and ultimately hoping I’ll believe it,” that was totally “sly racism.” Because, boys. Or something. It’s funny that liberals are the only people who hear a racist-y “boy” any time they look at President Obama.

Basically, Josh Romney is calling President Obama a child? Keep it classy Romneys. That's why Mitt's favorables are still underwater.

— Kayla (@KayDubzHU) October 9, 2012

Josh Romney suggests Obama is an "obstinate child": That whistle keeps getting louder and louder.

— CT Voter (@CTVoter) October 9, 2012

Dog whistle, drink! Get out your decoder rings!

Josh Romney just dropped the dog whistle and picked up a bull horn. He compared Pres. Obama to an "obstinate child,"

— Nerdy Wonka (@NerdyWonka) October 9, 2012

Media Matters’ Oliver Willis gets in on the decoding ring action.

RT @jonward11: Josh Romney, introducing Mitt in Iowa, says he and his brothers taught their father "how to debate an obstinate child."

— Oliver Willis (@owillis) October 9, 2012

just go ahead and call him a boy…

— Oliver Willis (@owillis) October 9, 2012

As does Goldie Taylor, who was recently enraged by Governor Romney’s taxes. Because he paid too much.

So now, according to Josh Romney, debating PBO is like talking to an "obstinate child"…

— Goldie Taylor (@goldietaylor) October 9, 2012

Romney compares PBO debate to young sons lying to him; Josh Romney equates POTUS to an "obstinate child". All short for "boy"…

— Goldie Taylor (@goldietaylor) October 9, 2012

Boy, again! Drink! Or don’t; y’all will get faced if you drink every time the Left tosses out the race card. Goldie then tries to paint it as also “out of touch” while trying to appear sane by pretending to take back her race card toss. Too late, toots. You can’t plant the seed then be all “well, I’m totally fair and stuff.”

For the sake of discussion, let's give Romneys benefit of the doubt. May not know the implications of verbiage. #disconnected

— Goldie Taylor (@goldietaylor) October 9, 2012

I'm not one to immediately default to racial animus. More inclined to think Romneys are simply out of touch. Lived cloistered lives.

— Goldie Taylor (@goldietaylor) October 9, 2012

Oh, really? Then why your race card-y pearl clutching over John Sununu? The shrieks of racism continue.

Truly, these people are vile —-> Josh Romney: Dad "Learned How To Debate An Obstinate Child"

— (@TheObamaDiary) October 9, 2012

That is pure racism! RT @utaustinliberal: Josh Romney dropped the dog whistle & picked up bull horn;compared Obama to an "obstinate child"

— Simply Sharon (@slbbw) October 9, 2012

Racist. MT @jonward11: Josh Romney, introducing Mitt in Iowa, says he & his brothers taught thr father "how to debate an obstinate child."”

— The Opportunity (@TKOEd) October 9, 2012

Josh Romney really called President Obama an "obstinate child?" Just skip ahead to calling him boy already…

— Zerlina Maxwell (@ZerlinaMaxwell) October 9, 2012

And a vile twist.

Josh Romney looks like he touches obstinate children. That's why he can spot one from a mile away.

— OG Golly Good (@Gupiter_Gee) October 9, 2012

Disgusting. And here is some typical class warfare nonsense.

Of course @joshromney was an obstinate child–just like his father, he's a spoiled brat born into privilege & who never had to earn anything

— Mark Standridge (@markdstandridge) October 9, 2012

Wow. How tired and lame.

The more left calls Mitt or Josh Romney racist the more we don't believe ur faux outrage. It's getting really weak guys. that's all u got?

— juliebean (@juliagulia614) October 9, 2012

Bingo. It is all they have. They certainly can’t run on the obstinate child’s record now, can they?

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