This Sweet Image Is Going Viral, But There’s Something Heartbreaking About It

The United States is supposed to be a place where a person of any ethnicity, race, or religion can find freedom and peace. Today, however, refugees are fleeing the United States, choosing the risk of being arrested in Canada over being deported from the U.S.

No one chooses to be a refugee. For these individuals and families, deportation is a death sentence. In many cases, they have fled impoverished, war-torn countries. Basic necessities, such as access to clean water, food, and medicine, are unavailable in their native countries. What they need is help, compassion, and care, but instead, they are met by a current political climate that considers them criminals just for existing and needing help.

This picture, taken at the U.S.-Canadian border on February 17, shows just how differently refugees are treated in Canada. Instead of being turned away with guns, violence, or a border wall, RCMP members are actually helping this Somalian family get to safety. After they’ve crossed, they’ll apply for refugee status and their case will be heard by Canadian authorities. While they still face arrest, to many, that feels better than what awaits them in America.

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While it is touching to see these officials helping families, it makes one wonder — why can’t the U.S. adopt this humanitarian attitude? After all, these refugees are people with families, just like us.

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