Joe Biden: Lilly Ledbetter Act not such a big effin’ deal after all!/seanspicer/status/259758076012396544

Joe “I always say what I mean” Biden has admitted before that he and President Obama have a “fundamentally different vision,” and it seems they might not see eye-to-eye on the Lilly Ledbetter Act. At a campaign event in St. Augustine, Fla.,today, Biden told the crowd that the act is “a big deal for women, but it’s not a big deal in terms of equal pay.”

Biden’s remark comes on the same day that the president’s campaign Twitter feed was promoting the Lilly Ledbetter Act as a highlight of his administration’s accomplishments.

Lilly Ledbetter knows that equal pay for equal work isn’t just a women’s issue—it’s a family issue: OFA.BO/CFikGS

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) October 20, 2012

Time to put Biden back in time out?

Biden, a bit off message, expl. Ledbetter, “It’s not a big deal…it’s a big deal for women, but it’s not a big deal in terms of equal pay.”

— Rebekah Metzler (@rebekahmetzler) October 20, 2012

Just in: Joe Biden just said that the Lilly Ledbetter Act wasn’t that big of a deal for women’s rights. LOLOLOLOLOL #TCOT

— RB (@RBPundit) October 20, 2012

I LOVE when Joe tells the truth. MT @freebeacon: Biden: Lilly Ledbetter Act ‘not a big deal in terms of equal pay’

— AG (@AG_Conservative) October 20, 2012

Wow so Joe Biden just destroyed @barackobama‘s week long Lilly Ledbetter hissy fit.…

— S.M (@redsteeze) October 20, 2012

Joe Biden, Slayer of Narratives: Looks like the Lilly Ledbetter Act isn’t a Big Effin Deal after all.

— Human Events (@HumanEvents) October 20, 2012

Biden tells the truth: Ledbetter about lawsuits, not equal pay… via @examinercom

— patty (@pjwells2009) October 20, 2012

Says what he means! RT @debsaun1: Another Gaffe? Biden Says Lilly Ledbetter Act ‘Not a Big Deal’ in Terms of Equal Pay

— Wayne T (@tym4tea) October 20, 2012

Speaking of equal pay…

But not for women in WH RT @barackobama: Lilly Ledbetter knows that equal pay for equal work isn’t just a women’s issue—it’s a family issue

— Misfit Politics (@MisfitPolitics) October 20, 2012

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