Dems flip out over anti-voter-fraud billboards in Milwaukee, Cleveland!/AJBayatpour/status/257875734218039296

Attorneys denounce voter-fraud billboards in Ohio… #ClearChannel

— Andrew Hunt (@ahuntre) October 12, 2012

Leftist activists and politicians in Milwaukee and Cleveland are up in arms over a set of billboards reminding passersby that voter fraud is a felony. Free speech is all well and good, you see, unless it offends someone — or reveals an ugly truth. And perpetually-offended, truth-averse Democrats, positively livid that free speech is being used to demand accountability from potential voters, are insisting that the billboards are nothing more than large-scale voter intimidation.

Groups say theyre not worried about who bought signs; theyre mad CC would “provide aid” to those trying to intimidate voters

— A.J. Bayatpour (@AJBayatpour) October 15, 2012

More from The Chicago Tribune:

“The billboards create a chilling effect,” said Marcia Johnson-Blanco, a co-director at the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights, an advocacy group that asked Clear Channel Outdoor to remove the signs.

City Councilwoman Phyllis Cleveland, who represents a part of Cleveland where most of the city’s voting billboards are located, said the signs have “an insidious impact and they are designed to intimidate.”

“I’m worried they will actually scare some of the ex-offenders, people with felony records who can vote,” Cleveland said, explaining that there is confusion about felons voting because in some states it is illegal.

The felons! Won’t someone please think of the felons?

Cleveland Dems Say Anti-Voter Fraud Billboard Is #Racist, Discriminates Against Felons… …the Fuck?

— Rorschach Justice (@InfidelJustice) October 15, 2012

Leftist media outlets like ThinkProgress and The Washington Post are quick to dismiss voter fraud as figment of Republicans’ imagination, as something that occurs less frequently than a person being struck by lightning. But as James O’Keefe’s work demonstrates, voter fraud is very real, and it is much more common than liberals are willing to admit.

Angry lefties took to Twitter to denounce the billboards and call for them to be taken down:

Last time I checked, voter intimidation was a crime too:

— Lisa Thomas (@lthomas6) October 10, 2012

Yes. It is. Too bad Obama, Eric Holder, and friends apparently missed that memo.

@pocojuan @froomkin Their ‘voter fraud’ billboard is a projection of their deeds! Call it as we see it.”I know you’re a fraud but what am I?

— Majah (@majah2012) October 11, 2012

Bullshit, fraud is not coming from the voters “@thinkprogress: Voter intimidation billboard campaign hits Cleveland

— @Zazochi (@Zazochi) October 12, 2012

I saw another “Voter fraud is a felony” billboard in Whitehall. Motherfuckers.

— Madame Anonymous (@grngeekgirl) October 12, 2012

Saw my first “voter fraud is a felony” billboard on Capitol drive in Mke.God I hate the #GOP.

— Jamie Brady (@jbrady77) October 15, 2012

Because the many of the billboards are located in poorer, more urban areas, several billboard opponents were quick to label the campaign as raaaaaaaacist!!1! Color of Change, whose bread and butter is intimidation, was among the billboards’ most vocal critics:

Ohio “Voter Fraud” Billboard Targets African American Community on the @colorofchange blog… #watchtherace

— (@ColorOfChange) October 8, 2012

Another example of why I fkn hate Reeps. –>> Ohio voter fraud billboard accused of intimidating black voters | theGrio

— Andi-Roo (@theworld4realz) October 11, 2012

.@froomkin: I’m sure the placement of this “voter fraud” billboard is pure coincidence. I mean, what else could it be?

— Jon Hardie (@pocojuan) October 11, 2012

Trying to scare minorities with billboard signs around Cleveland to surpress votes. @dennis_kucinich

— Randy B (@FactJunkie01) October 11, 2012

What’s racist is subscribing to the idea that minorities in this country legally are incapable of obtaining valid forms of identification.

Not everyone was willing to swallow the leftists’ race-baiting swill:

@edshow Is voter fraud a felony?If so…why is the billboard racist?

— russell (@bmbsqd99288) October 9, 2012

People are actually calling this racist. Pathetic — Cleveland billboard warns of voter fraud | Dispatch Politics…

— Locke Step (@Lockestep1776) October 11, 2012

“@getnickwright: Just so gross and terrible…“just curious, how is that billboard racist?

— John Kimble (@johnpkimble) October 11, 2012

How, indeed?

So why would @thedemocrats cry afoul over billboard signs in Milwaukee, Cleveland areas telling voters about stiff penalties 4 voter fraud?

— Bill Balderama (@WJGBalderama) October 13, 2012

Could it be that the Democrats know that they’re the chief beneficiaries of unchecked voter fraud?

How exactly does a billboard reminding folks not to commit voter fraud suppress legitimate voting?

— Atlantic Front (@JDBx3HQ) October 14, 2012

Good question. Only those who intend to defraud the political system should be thinking twice about illegitimately casting their votes.

In the meantime, citizens should keep their eyes open for Mona Eltahawy-wannabes. The billboards, set to stay put through Election Day, are ripe targets for vandalism.

HA. RT @chicagostyle: Voter fraud is a felony but I bet painting over a billboard is a misdemeanor. Just saying. #Nerdland 

— Elon James White (@elonjames) October 13, 2012

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