This Bird Was Badly Burned And Needed New Wings. Wait Until You See It Now!

A baby cockatoo in Australia was sitting on a power line with some birdie buddies when a bird next to it was electrocuted and engulfed into flames.

While the cockatoo was able to survive the incident, it was severely burned as a result of being next to the poor bird that didn’t make it. When a passerby took notice of the injured critter, he quickly took the animal to a local vet. Because of the severity of the cockatoo’s injuries, it was soon transported to the Perth Zoo where the poor nugget was given specialized treatments by Dr. Peter Ricci.

After recuperating for over a week, the injured cockatoo was finally given the okay to undergo surgery to attach feathers to its burnt wings.

Attaching these new feathers would ensure that it’d be able to fly once released back into the wild.

The technique used during the surgery is known as”imping,” which is more commonly used on domestic birds that have had their feathers trimmed too short.

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