This Woman Suffers So Much, But Her Amazing Service Dog Is Always There For Her

When Janaye suffered a traumatic brain injury five years ago, it changed her life forever.

She’s had to deal with scary brain bleeds ever since and even had to get emergency surgery last Thanksgiving.

When she got her third bleed, doctors had to perform a craniotomy. Her life has become incredibly difficult with the fear of seizures, fainting, and more bleeds hanging over her head, but she says a service dog named Colt has made all the difference in the world for her.

Colt has not only become Janaye’s best friend, but he helps her get around and is able to sense and alert when she’s about to have a seizure or pass out.

She says Colt helps move her to a spot where she can lay down about 15 minutes before so she can avoid falling or injuring herself during an episode.

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