‘Shame on you’: Stacey Dash calls out Oprah on Fox News diss


You don’t have to watch her cable network to see Oprah Winfrey these days; the billionaire media powerhouse and occasional actress is busy promoting her new film, “The Butler,” as well as opening up some racial and political divisions in the bargain.

Oprah’s not the first to compare Trayvon Martin to Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African-American boy who was brutally beaten and killed by a gang for supposedly whistling at a white woman in Mississippi in 1955. It’s a reckless comparison that fails to take any of the facts of the George Zimmerman case into account, aside from the race of the victim.

Oprah also said it was wise of President Obama to turn down a cameo in “The Butler,” because “he knows not to go and get himself in a movie and be on Fox News every day.” Better to stick with the obedient lapdogs at MSNBC, right?

Conservative actress Stacey Dash called out Oprah on her remarks, quoting Malcolm X and his warning about the power of the media.


If You aren’t careful, The newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed And loving the people who are doing the oppressing ~ Malcolm X Oprah Compares Trayvon Martin to Emmett Till; Says Obama is “Smart” for Not Appearing on Fox News http://foxnewsinsider.com/2013/08/07/oprah-compares-trayvon-martin-emmett-till-says-obama-smart-not-appearing-fox-news via @foxnewsinsider Shame on you @oprah

Fortunately, Dash seems to have shed most of the trolls she picked up during the 2012 campaign.


Hey, it could happen.


Actor Romany Malco’s ‘Message to Trayvon Sympathizers’ earns kudos from Stacey Dash, others

Full Twitchy coverage of Stacey Dash

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/08/16/shame-on-you-stacey-dash-calls-out-oprah-on-fox-news-diss-emmett-till-comparison/

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