15 Of The Best, Funniest, And Least Appropriate Gifts Pets Have Ever Given Humans
We all know that animals sometimes bring us “gifts” in the form of dead animals.
Some say it’s their way of caring for us “helpless” humans since they perceive us as not knowing how to hunt. There are some animals that take gift-giving to a whole new level, though. I’ve known tons of dogs who must grab a toy to give each newcomer a present. Some of these gifts can get pretty hilarious. Here are 15 of our faves.
1. This pup found some dentures left behind by the previous homeowners, and he knew just what to do with them.
2. “While I was drinking coffee this morning, my dog brought me this. I have no idea where it came from.”
3. He looks like he knows something’s just a little bit off about this present.
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4. “She’s retriever, not a genius.”
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